14-10-2005 13:18:47
So can we sign up for free premium ipods if we've already completed freephoto ipods? anyone know about when freepay/gratis fuses an old website w/ a new one? or re-names an old one and offers something new?
14-10-2005 14:05:19
I've got a better question... i'm 7/8 for my photo ipod... now am i going to get a photo ipod or a video ipod b/c i'd like the video ipod but can't find a place to change it.
14-10-2005 15:11:47
[quote6328b53090]It is the same site.
If you have already done photoipods, you cannot do premiumipods.[/quote6328b53090]
That's what I got earlier when I asked ( Unfortunately that wont work sigh
You'll probably get the videoipod, as you still haven't ordered yet
14-10-2005 20:05:46
so, let me see, if i signed up for the PhotoIpod, i can't change to the Video Ipod???
I haven't completed an offer yet though?
14-10-2005 20:06:47
u guys can all change it. u select ur gift when u order anyway, what u have selected now is irrelevant.
14-10-2005 20:17:43
well, i can't change it now. There is only the PhotoIpod option
14-10-2005 20:21:48
You haven't ordered yet have you? It asks you to select an option when you are approved and place your order.
14-10-2005 20:23:45
but shouldn't it be availabe now. I remember the same thing when i was ordering my color 20gb ipod, and i didn't get the option for the Nano
15-10-2005 10:22:44
why does it matter? You reselect your gift when you order....plain and simple.
15-10-2005 11:45:53
In a different thread jake said they dont even have anymore photo ipods in stock so you will all be getting the video ones whether you change your gift or not.
15-10-2005 12:01:42
i'm 6/8 on my photoipods hopefully i get the new video ipod lol
15-10-2005 14:41:38
Wow you seem to be on a role! What's your secret, Tsangchan?
27-10-2005 03:56:30
Obviously I'm late to the party on this...I just attempted to sign up for a Video iPod and got that "already signed up" message. [i0e9be48d5c]Then[/i0e9be48d5c] I notice the "Note Free Premium iPods is the new name for Free Photo iPods." fine print. (
Ugh. I got my photo ipod months ago, and would [i0e9be48d5c]love[/i0e9be48d5c] to try for a video one.
This, and the laptops on fdpc, is [i0e9be48d5c]killing[/i0e9be48d5c] me...
Just do the YourVideoiPods offer..
[quoteebdb9b38fc]This, and the laptops on fdpc, is killing me...[/quoteebdb9b38fc]
Looks like "you're going to have to do it" lol
27-10-2005 19:14:20
[quote2b15631816="h3x"]Just do the YourVideoiPods offer..
[quote2b15631816]This, and the laptops on fdpc, is killing me...[/quote2b15631816]
Looks like "you're going to have to do it" lol[/quote2b15631816]
Non-Gratis offers give me pause, like for many others.
I also want to live! D
liBuilds a shrine to the Gratis Gods and makes offerings for good crops of laptop and video ipod sitesli