Are the laptops going to stay or are they still temps? If there temps does anybody know for how long? Also whats the best offers to do for fast credit?
09-10-2005 16:17:32
11 views and not one single person has reported this? roll
also, you have been here for nearly a year, have a TR of 4 and 43 posts, you should know not to have a link in your sig.
you better be quick and edit out before you are banned.
Its removed. I havent been on in a long time like almost a 1/2 year and i forgot. sorry to the mods and its removed
09-10-2005 16:39:21
ok no problem.
to answer your question, the laptops were initially there as a trial period, but it seems as though they are there to stay since the "limited time offer" tag has gone.