16-09-2004 15:57:02
I think it would help a lot of people if the accounts that were put on hold explained their story. Tell us what happened and if you were succesful getting off hold.
16-09-2004 16:01:43
Okay, what the fuck?
Are you people retarded, seriously?
There is a forum for on-hold related material.
16-09-2004 16:18:59
Actually this is a good place for that, since there should be no discussion in that forum... only requests for help.
16-09-2004 17:00:25
does that mean I'm not retarded?
no that just means your not as retarded P
16-09-2004 17:08:07
Since nobody else is posting ...
Once upon a time their lived a beautiful, musicless, princess. "Oh where oh where is my prince/savior?" the fair lady wondered. Soon she discovered a site ... FreeIpods.com ... and wept with joy, she completed the offer and got credit. Contacting fellow princesses she got 4 referals. She needed one more - suddenly her rescuing prince came to save the day. He logged on and he completed an Infone offer and the maiden and he were engaged.
Unfortunately the prince had used the maiden's pc sending her account straight to the hold dept.
So, her loyal prince crept into the Gratis's lair and politely requested the hold be removed. And after hearing the story the Gratis couldn't help but be moved and the fair maiden's Hold was removed.
16-09-2004 17:10:30
Illustrate it and you have a great kid's book
16-09-2004 17:58:16
lol...what the heck! ME TOO! P
16-09-2004 18:52:38
this could be the world's greatest children's story of digital content and intellectual property. i say publish it http//www.lulu.com haha