30-09-2005 16:19:25
I was wondering if I decided to do the Real Rhapsody offer, would I have to keep the Real Rhapsody service for a month for only a dollar? I just don't want to cancel too soon and it not credit my account or something but I also don't want to wait too long and be charged like $40 bucks for the service after the .99 offer. Any suggestions or help?
1. We don't talk about cancellation in these forums. The mods can't stress that enough.
2. RealRhapsody only charges $9.99 a month after the 99cent trial. So don't worry about getting charged "$40."
3. It won't take a month to credit you. If you're not satisfied with the service, you can terminate the account. But like I said, they won't charge you a full month until your 30 day trial expires AND it doesn't take 30 days to credit you. You should be fine.
30-09-2005 17:40:33
It should credit INSTANTLY, and I mean INSTANTLY. You must have done something wrong =\