25-10-2004 22:21:57
do you use itunes to do it!? anybody have an apple link?
its like the software that runs ipod! kind of like the os thats inside the ipod.
25-10-2004 22:38:37
o i saw that shit on the apple website, it said upgrade your software or some shit like that to prevent your battery from going away so fast, or something around that area..
25-10-2004 23:01:16
You get iPod firmware upgrades, as well as the iPod Updater Utility (for formatting the iPod), from
However right now I don't think there are any 4G firmware upgrades out there besides the one that cuts down the volume abilities to meet European FCC-type regulations.
DON'T try and upgrade a 4G iPod with 3G firmware. You can risk permanently damaging the iPod. Firmware is NOT the same as the little OS-type iPod interface. Firmware is what makes the hardware do what the hardware does - the OS-type interface makes the hardware interact with the user.
Unless there is a firmware upgrade you NEED (e.g. you need to upgrade because your particular logic board has a flaw that keeps the battery from charging anymore), it's not really a good idea to do it.
25-10-2004 23:05:59
True, messing with firmware can fuck your shit, literally. It's never happened to me(and i change my DVD+RW's firmware from time to time to get more media support) but i know a friend who damaged his dvd recorder because power went out while he was upgrading...if only he had an UPS ;)
25-10-2004 23:08:10
yo wtf is up with your signature? thats not coo...
25-10-2004 23:15:17
Yeah i don't appreciate having to see a couple of homos touching themselves everytime i see a reply from you, but to each its own i guess =/
25-10-2004 23:15:34
firmware is not to be upgraded unless you know what you are doing or if there is a problem with what ever you are using. Like I flashed my dvd burner to a model that supports duallayer burning eventhough mine doesn't support it...I ran the risk of breaking the thing but I succeeded...
hahahahahahahahaha, I'm as straight as an arrow but i think his/her sig is great...makes all the homophobic close minded meatheads worried about their sexuality...if you are comfortable with your self you won't worry about that!
haha lol thats not me mods kept changing them lol i guess i will keep it
yea it sure is !!! picture this in every thread lol
26-10-2004 05:45:33
Let me say about that sig pic PUKE. How disgusting.
Anyway, your iPod doesn't need updating right now. Just check Apple's iPod Web page every now. It will give you directions on how to update the firmware when needed.
26-10-2004 05:51:52
As a straight girl I'd like to chime in here and say I find his sig really hot. What's not to like about two really attractive guys? D
26-10-2004 06:18:05
That' they are naked and hugging..that's not attractive.. one should be holding a football in the 3 point stance to be manly.
[quotec06962ba49="Quinn222"]As a straight girl I'd like to chime in here and say I find his sig really hot. What's not to like about two really attractive guys? D[/quotec06962ba49]
26-10-2004 06:27:30
But if it was two naked CHICKS...?
26-10-2004 06:59:06
yea i should edit the picture and label one guy me the other the admin D