25-10-2004 10:27:41
Why doesn't Gratis do this?
I mean, lets be honest, on average, how many of us read the fine print on every document we sign for?
I'm going to complete the program, but w/o reading the fine print, me, my girlfriend, and my younger brother signed up at the same house.
Two different computers, but three different people with the same shipping address. Now, since finding this site and reading up, I see the issue that will arise. BUT, my girlfriend and my younger brother are no longer pursuing offers or referrals.
So instead of eventually putting me on hold, which I'm sure will happen, why not just cancel the other two accounts instead of putting me hold.
I'm sure you guys are sick and tired of reading about accounts being put on hold, and I'm sure this thread will be flamed, locked, moved, etc.
But I feel like I'm bringing up a valid point. There is a huge difference between fraud and making a simple mistake. One's intentional and one isn't. And I understand from Gratis' point of view, I'd want to crack down on fraud as well. Just think there should be some type of cancel option after the fact.
Mr Sofa Sets
25-10-2004 10:36:34
I understand your plight, but they will not do that for you by default. If you post your situation in the "Help me" section of this Site Harry989, a Gratis Rep, will look at your accounts and maybe help you. You must include the email addresses of all three accounts that were created at your house, then provide some proof that it was just an honest mistake. Then, Pray for mercy.....
25-10-2004 10:37:27
This company wants to make money, so any slight infraction that anyone will do that will garner a hold will be okay for them. However, they are quite dubious in placing their TOS before you sign up. They don't straight out ask you if you do or do not agree to the terms right before you signup, so that issue could be raised in the future. (I also didn't notice any age verification, and usually that's required by law, but i could be wrong)
25-10-2004 10:42:49
Guess I should post this in the hold section to see if I could salvage the possibility of me getting one.
Mr Sofa Sets
25-10-2004 10:43:29
It is very possible that Harry will help you. I'd give it a try.
25-10-2004 10:50:38
Well I just read that your account has to be put on hold in order for you to post in that section. And seeing as how I'm not hold yet, I can't.
Unless Harry answers pm's.
Mr Sofa Sets
25-10-2004 10:52:41
nope he doesn't, just keep at it and if they put you on hold, then post in the help forum.
25-10-2004 17:44:30
[quote7caa928c7a="tetro"]However, they are quite dubious in placing their TOS before you sign up.[/quote7caa928c7a]
way to use dubious wrong.