24-10-2004 21:14:35
my order number is 4591lili and i'm still not there anyone who is still in the 9/15 batch that have yet to be shipped?
just wanted to know......thanks...
24-10-2004 21:27:34
You haven't shipped yet? Being a leftover sucks, but you will all probably eventually get shipped this week for sure. Maybe even... TONIGHT.
Or not I dunno.
Pusha C
24-10-2004 22:33:44
Damn man, that sucks. I ordered on 9/15 and got STV on 9/27 then 10/6 and got shipped yesterday. Hopefully you will ship on Monday or Tuesday...
24-10-2004 23:02:52
[quotebd8fa36423="tetro"]nope, not me[/quotebd8fa36423]
hey tetro, what is your order number? and where do you live?......i'm in the east....PA
Pusha C
24-10-2004 23:05:29
my order # 4594lili
South East
Atlanta, Ga
24-10-2004 23:14:24
I'm a 9/15 STV and I switched... I just got shipped today, estimated delivery is this thursday (but I'm pretty sure it will be here on wednesday)
I will be receiving the Apple iPod
25-10-2004 00:52:56
im 8/28 not shipped.
so. i feel your pain, but you dont feel mine.
25-10-2004 06:50:51
[quote7430bb0f65="hemingway2"]im 8/28 not shipped.
so. i feel your pain, but you dont feel mine.[/quote7430bb0f65]
coming up on 2 months...i hear ya man, u need to be shipped first//....hopefully my status will change by the end of this week...if not, i will be mass be contacting gratis...