16-09-2004 13:34:17
I JUST got shipped today, heres a pic...

http//[" alt=""/img49d9c08261]
I was IP3 8/13 but i switched to the HP ipod an hour or two after the option was there!!! lol
16-09-2004 13:41:50
go die. ( i'm not shipped.
16-09-2004 13:52:05
thats such crap. i've been waiting since 8/10 and you get it before us.
16-09-2004 14:00:16
Bah i hate you. Ive been waiting since the 12 but im waiting for a mini since i already have a 40GB.
16-09-2004 14:01:46
I'm 8/13 and showing as shipped now too with a tracking number!
16-09-2004 14:02:00

http//[" alt=""/imga685ae37f4]
w00 w00!!!!!
16-09-2004 14:16:08
It's so weird for me seeing your shot. My name is also Andtrew, and i also live in NY, and i shippped at the exact same time you did. SO everythign thats not blacked out is identical to my screen....
16-09-2004 14:21:35
well im a 9/1 so not quite )
16-09-2004 14:23:34
hehe, we just have to wait it out, we'll get it soon enough ;)
16-09-2004 19:48:54
I don't mind waiting for my ipod at all, after all, it's 100% free. But what sucks is seeing people who just now ordered already getting theirs shipped. It's like they are trying to piss people off on purpose.

http//[" alt=""/imge59dd6ff66]
16-09-2004 20:10:05
guess should've switched sooner (
16-09-2004 20:12:33
i switched 2 days after lol, it kinda makes you think though. What do the people do all day that switched like 2 min after the option came up.
16-09-2004 20:13:29
I was at school and im west coast - dammit! Stupid school
16-09-2004 20:17:19
I'm kind of confused about the whole "8/10" and "8/13" stuff...I know they're the dates of your...completion?...but does it really affect your ship time?
I'm an 8/20 or 8/24...what does that mean ship date wise? A long time? -P
16-09-2004 20:21:03
I'm an 8/20 or 8/24...what does that mean ship date wise? A long time? -P[/quotec96e626f02]
well not if you switched to the HP ipod right away....
16-09-2004 20:24:49
heh...yeah...about that...
I think I was uber-late.
my sister is a 9/2 and she got shipped today too.
[quote95a7c44a6d="Nabs"]my sister is a 9/2 and she got shipped today too.[/quote95a7c44a6d]
i didn't need to hear that, lol
17-09-2004 08:37:14
le sigh ...
so frustrating seeing 9/x people shipping before me.
It was my birthday! I was out to dinner! didn't see the option till i got home that night ( some birthday present i go ...
17-09-2004 09:58:39
mother effer, i refreshed the page and saw the hpod option to switch popup and i was tempted to change. But I diden't since I wanted an genuine apple product and not some branded HP. Also after googling the HP is about 30 dollars cheaper...
Now I wish I had changed but then again I don't. I'm just pissed off that all of these guys that just signed up are getting theres and I've been in ip3 since 8/6. ugh (