About exchanging 20gb for 40 gb...

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=2171


24-10-2004 10:41:06

Now that I'm finally getting shipped, I'm looking in to some future plans for my bundle of white joy 8) . Has anyone had previous experience with exchanging their FIP from Gratis at an Apple store to a 40 gb model? I'm willing to pay the difference, just have to know the details.

What did you say/do, and do you have to bring proof of any sort to show that it's yours?


24-10-2004 12:02:03

[quotecf90d2c7d3="6pt7"]future plans for my bundle of white joy 8) [/quotecf90d2c7d3]
You realize how wrong that sounds...... use the search its there.


24-10-2004 12:33:42

There have been several long threads about this issue. Search the forums.