iPod Account Also Hacked?! Please Read
24-10-2004 10:22:46
Alright folks, first my hand bags account got hacked, now my iPod
Good thing my iPod already shipped though, but the point is this person is slowly taking control of all my accounts!
Could it be a key logger? What should i do?
Please help!
24-10-2004 10:30:48
It is a keylogger, and there is nothing you can do besides formatting your comptuer and changing all of your passwords.
You may want to contact your local police or your ISP.
24-10-2004 10:32:25
This same guy hacked my PayPal account because I was stupid enough to click his link. The program he installed is called Perfect Keylogger, I couldn't believe that this program wasn't intended for hackers, but for parents that want to see if their kids are looking up 'porn' or something.
I can't believe those idiots would actually make a program that can be so easily used by hackers and not even know it. And it was even on TechTV (those guys are retarded too..). So lame how these people would actually support a tool that totally invades on privacy, and can be used to steal passwords.
Try downloading PestPatrol to get rid of this.
24-10-2004 10:43:56
[quote2cc042f053="joeman957"]This same guy hacked my PayPal account because I was stupid enough to click his link. The program he installed is called Perfect Keylogger, I couldn't believe that this program wasn't intended for hackers, but for parents that want to see if their kids are looking up 'porn' or something.
I can't believe those idiots would actually make a program that can be so easily used by hackers and not even know it. And it was even on TechTV (those guys are retarded too..). So lame how these people would actually support a tool that totally invades on privacy, and can be used to steal passwords.
Try downloading PestPatrol to get rid of this.
Whats even dumber than the people who made the program is the people who are duped into installing it for the hackers. To install it you need physical access or you need to be duped into installing it.
24-10-2004 10:46:36
Everyone makes mistakes, I didn't even see that it was an exe file.
So go fuck yourself.
24-10-2004 10:52:18
[quote2ecdaca4ca="joeman957"]I can't believe those idiots would actually make a program that can be so easily used by hackers and not even know it. And it was even on TechTV (those guys are retarded too..). So lame how these people would actually support a tool that totally invades on privacy, and can be used to steal passwords.[/quote2ecdaca4ca]
keyloggers have a legitiment & legal use, its not the companys fault that some asshole came along and decided to use it to steal passwords.
you will allways have people that choose to use things in ways it wasnt intended for. thats life. wink
gchoee & joeman957,
if you had a decent firewall, you wouldnt have to worry about most of the keyloggers or trojans in the first place. i like tiny personal firewall, but alot of people use zone alarm still. now with XP service pack 2, you even have a built in firewall.
i've been hit with a keylogger before, things will be allright once you get rid of it and change your passwords.
i wouldnt bother your ISP or police, they arent going to give a shit unless you have proof of who did it. even then, they will probably just tell you that you should have had a firewall and been more carefull in the first place.
the internet is a dangerous place, you have to know the basics of protecting your computer... as silly as it may sound.
24-10-2004 11:37:58
whoa, fast responses people!
i did what you said and downloaded pest control. it didnt find perfect keylogger but it did find something "Unkown Trojan". i try removing it but they say i cant with an evaluation version evil
anyone know where i can get a "licenced" version??
and is there a chance the unkown trojan can be the keylogger?
and also, is there any other way to get rid of the keylogger without reformatting?
thanks everyone for trying to help
24-10-2004 11:41:59
no, yes, and yes. P
try AVG, its free. http//www.grisoft.com/us/us_index.php
or try this free online scanner... http//housecall.trendmicro.com/housecall/start_corp.asp
24-10-2004 11:54:03
Spybot S&D
Adaware SE
AVG AntiVirus 6.0
All of those can be found at http//www.Download.com
Also try an online VIRUS Scanner
24-10-2004 12:08:55
Thanks for your help, but none of these are finding any keyloggers??
if i do indeed have one though, will changing my passwords on another computer with the same i.p help?
24-10-2004 12:09:37
time to FORMAT!! My Favorite THING!
24-10-2004 12:18:51
lol is that the ONLY solution? heck, how do we even know it is a keylogger? i never clicked on funnypants' link and i am a cautious computer user.
also, how come only my handbags and ipod account has been hacked so far? if it indeed was a keylogger, wouldnt they have gone all out and taken like everything?
24-10-2004 12:21:32
you just need to find how the trojan or keylogger is starting up when you boot your computer up.
and disable it, find the executable file(s) and delete them.
then you are safe enough to continue looking for a virus scanner that will rid you of the problems.
try startEd, it should list everything in the registry run entrys and other methods of startup.
24-10-2004 13:46:46
alright, took your advice
http/" alt=""/img31.exs.cx/img="31/6393/startED.jpg[" alt=""/img0f876a0476]
Anything look suspicious? It doesn't have anything like a keylogger in my start-up.. hmm
24-10-2004 13:47:46
You know what would really suck? If he cancelled your order or re-routed it to his house, lol.
24-10-2004 14:03:56
holy shit man.
honestly, you could delete it ALL.
and see what happens.
but i will attempt to sort it out for you...
nvmediacenter, nvcpldaemon and nwiz = nvidia stuff, driver helper, taskbar icon.. (you dont need to delete it, but you can if you want)
aim and msn... id delete them and run them manualy.
quicktime task (delete it, it will start automaticly when you try to watch a quicktime movie.)
i would delete ctfmon definitly because it could be anything!
its a common name used to hide trojans and keyloggers.
nero filter (leave it if you want, but its not important)
i would uninstall [b2af07c4ee9]all[/b2af07c4ee9] your mcaffee shit, and use AVG instead. its not as rough on your computer and its free!
besides, all the shit mcaffe has running didnt save your ass, now did it?
tell me if its worth keeping it after all this.
type32, lvcoms and other logitech shit, i would leave that alone. you may need it.
what worrys me is the 2 PHIME entrys, i duno what they are...
just like i dont know what mspy2002 is, but it sounds bad to me.
and IMJPMIG8.1 ... hell if i know.
but a google search will tell you alot about each one of those things!
im sure sunjava isnt needed, but leave it if you want, no harm done.
soundmax and soundmaxpnp may be needed so its up to you.
24-10-2004 14:06:28
Just reformat, its far easier and it will clear your PC of that problem and any others. That way you know your 100% safe.
24-10-2004 14:08:54
i only have 3 things in my startup...
quicktime task (which im deleting right now)
24-10-2004 14:13:31
Any idiot can format and start from square one.
formatting is just going to be more difficult and time consuming for most people because then you have to go through and remember all your passwords, back up your favorites list, reinstall all your programs, reconfigure all your settings.
finding all the updated drivers can be a pain in the ass too sometimes.
24-10-2004 14:15:33
I reformat my computer back to stock with all the needed programs in like 1.5 hours and that keeps it running nice and smooth too. )