new reference number

Live forum:


23-10-2004 22:55:35

I was just recently shipped, but my reference number was not the usual M9282LL/A. Anybody know why? i hope they haven't started shipping refurbished units or anything crazy like that...


23-10-2004 22:57:45

Yeah I was also wondering why, hope they aren't engraved again.. that would not be cool.

Refurbished? Haha that would throw their reputation out the door, of course they're not refurbished!


23-10-2004 22:59:26

Yeah...someone just gave me this reference number [b5c1613c3d3]2025959123711[/b5c1613c3d3]
and it shows as shipped.


24-10-2004 00:03:18

speaking of refurbished ipods, I was wondering if they're all brand new or not, so I was reading the TOS & saw "(e) Products listed on our websites may be new or refurbished, but will not be used. Refurbished items will come with complete warranties." ?


24-10-2004 00:09:18

[quote14eeae518a="joeman957"]Yeah I was also wondering why, hope they aren't engraved again.. that would not be cool.

Refurbished? Haha that would throw their reputation out the door, of course they're not refurbished![/quote14eeae518a]

not really.

apple's refurbs with respect to the ipods have an excellent reputation, to the point that you couldn't even tell the difference between a refurb and a new ipod unless specifically told.


24-10-2004 00:09:32

I don't think I know the difference between refurbished and new.


24-10-2004 00:21:25

Refurbished stuff is usually just as good as new. Just a plain box, instead of a colorful one.

My iPod and my Mom's both shipped today! Whoo-Hoo