Getting MP3's Legally w/Handing Ova the Dough

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23-10-2004 18:53:05


Im Ripping/Listening from iTunes Radio Station as im posting

Some Songs i got so far


23-10-2004 18:57:41

or just get on IRC or kazaa lite and download w/e u want...


23-10-2004 19:01:04

Notice in the TiTle it says LEGALLY, some people dont like breaking teh law, if u look in the lower right hand corner of the second pic ull see the MX icon lol i dont have a prob with dling songs. O BTW KaZaa Lite Network Blows Nuts


23-10-2004 19:03:16 $0.01/mb its awesome


23-10-2004 19:06:36

^nice i heard about them in a magazine awhile ago.


23-10-2004 21:26:35

How is that legal? It's not.


23-10-2004 21:41:22

[quote9fdc28a0a3="MAD"]How is that legal? It's not.[/quote9fdc28a0a3]

actually it's a grey area. it's the same as recording the radio to a cassette's illegal but not really. it's only illegal if it's enforced.

remember, the riaa is sueing people who SHARE music.


23-10-2004 21:46:20

I would stop downloading music because its not ethical.

Not because I'm scared of being the 1/10000 person who gets sued by the RIAA.


23-10-2004 21:52:41

it's about as non-ethical as listening to the radio


23-10-2004 22:00:51

its not illegal, U can record to a cassete cant you? so why cant u record directly to your hardrive, I thnk the RIAA wont make a issue over this because they would lose because of us being able to record to cassettes.


23-10-2004 22:05:19

[quote3778730b93="gage006"]remember, the riaa is sueing people who SHARE music.[/quote3778730b93]
Which I've always thought doesn't hold much legal ground itself. If you've bought a movie or an album legally, as far as I know, it's perfectly legal to make a copy for your own private use (like to buy an album and then rip it to mp3 so you can store it on your iPod). If you've got music files in a share folder, why should you be legally responsible for the person who might happen to download from you? If they own a copy of the album that you just uploaded to them, aren't they allowed to own a digital copy as well?
If that's [i3778730b93]not[/i3778730b93] the case, then by that logic it would be illegal for you to put anything on your iPod that you didn't originally buy in mp3 form (like off of iTunes). And when you do put it on your iPod, you're making a copy of the file anyways, from your computer to the player, and would be breaking the law that way as well.


23-10-2004 22:30:29

[quote871b85db4d="DefinitelyNotLeonard"][quote871b85db4d="gage006"]remember, the riaa is sueing people who SHARE music.[/quote871b85db4d]
Which I've always thought doesn't hold much legal ground itself. If you've bought a movie or an album legally, as far as I know, it's perfectly legal to make a copy for your own private use (like to buy an album and then rip it to mp3 so you can store it on your iPod). If you've got music files in a share folder, why should you be legally responsible for the person who might happen to download from you? If they own a copy of the album that you just uploaded to them, aren't they allowed to own a digital copy as well?
If that's [i871b85db4d]not[/i871b85db4d] the case, then by that logic it would be illegal for you to put anything on your iPod that you didn't originally buy in mp3 form (like off of iTunes). And when you do put it on your iPod, you're making a copy of the file anyways, from your computer to the player, and would be breaking the law that way as well.[/quote871b85db4d]
Right but when recieving a public radio signal it is alright as far as i'm concerened to get the music.

With this program will it just delete the song when there is a lag spike and it needs to buffer again or will it not realize that and just say its fine. I would hate that.


23-10-2004 22:34:35

i didnt get one lag spike using iTunes radio.


23-10-2004 23:03:31

mabye the problem with me is i'm downloading and using all of my bandwith at the same time. the programs are fighting for it most of the time. ) especially when the newsgroups are going. Anyway as for they used to be fairly well but recently they are kinda bad I'm using their explorer thing and it has trouble connecting takes like 40 mins for a song, but it seems to have gotten better in the last week. I'm sure they are upgrating their connection due to allofpopularity they are getting.

Oh and i put 10 bucks in last week but i was pissed that they wouldent allow paypal temporarly but they allowed some kind of gift card and the gift card allowed paypal so i paypaled 10 to the gift card gave allofmp3 the gift card and they gave me 10.00 + 10% or 1.00 so I'm kinda happy.


23-10-2004 23:13:12

um i was downloading from winmx while i had itunes and station ripper ripping...ur point>?


23-10-2004 23:21:09

[quotef39a446dee="DefinitelyNotLeonard"][quotef39a446dee="gage006"]remember, the riaa is sueing people who SHARE music.[/quotef39a446dee]
Which I've always thought doesn't hold much legal ground itself. If you've bought a movie or an album legally, as far as I know, it's perfectly legal to make a copy for your own private use (like to buy an album and then rip it to mp3 so you can store it on your iPod). If you've got music files in a share folder, why should you be legally responsible for the person who might happen to download from you? If they own a copy of the album that you just uploaded to them, aren't they allowed to own a digital copy as well?
If that's [if39a446dee]not[/if39a446dee] the case, then by that logic it would be illegal for you to put anything on your iPod that you didn't originally buy in mp3 form (like off of iTunes). And when you do put it on your iPod, you're making a copy of the file anyways, from your computer to the player, and would be breaking the law that way as well.[/quotef39a446dee]

Ideally that would be okay, but not everyone that downloads copies of Mp3s actually own the real album themselves. wink


24-10-2004 01:19:50

[quotee116cd86fe="magik"]Ideally that would be okay, but not everyone that downloads copies of Mp3s actually own the real album themselves. wink[/quotee116cd86fe]
Of course I understand that, but I was just saying why it's completely stupid of the RIAA to sue people for sharing the files. People shouldn't be held legally responsible for what someone else is downloading especially when there's a potential for them having been obtained under a perfectly lawful scenario. But of course that's never taken into account when the college kids are forced to hand over large amounts of cash in out of court settlements. All that matters is that they had the files on their computer and an RIAA rep saw them.

Sorry, I realize this has nothing to do with recording iTunes radio. It's just a subject that I can go off on rather easily.


24-10-2004 01:53:30

This is awesome! Where do i get itunes radio?


28-10-2004 20:22:24

[quotece0eebd5e5="DefinitelyNotLeonard"][quotece0eebd5e5="magik"]Ideally that would be okay, but not everyone that downloads copies of Mp3s actually own the real album themselves. wink[/quotece0eebd5e5]
Of course I understand that, but I was just saying why it's completely stupid of the RIAA to sue people for sharing the files. People shouldn't be held legally responsible for what someone else is downloading especially when there's a potential for them having been obtained under a perfectly lawful scenario. But of course that's never taken into account when the college kids are forced to hand over large amounts of cash in out of court settlements. All that matters is that they had the files on their computer and an RIAA rep saw them.

Sorry, I realize this has nothing to do with recording iTunes radio. It's just a subject that I can go off on rather easily.[/quotece0eebd5e5]

They are held responible because they are making it available for people to download. If they weren't there making it available then people couldn't download. There may be a very small number of people who are downloading songs legally using such methods, but there are many many more who are not. Sharers surely full know that what they're doing is not appreciated by groups like the RIAA, so if they continue to do it then it should not be a suprise when they find out they are being sued. It may be a bit harsh consequences, but they certainly shouldn't get off with none.


28-10-2004 20:28:40


Im Ripping/Listening from iTunes Radio Station as im posting

Some Songs i got so far

Those songs suck anyway. -karma for starting a thread that got people all testy without having good songs to back it up! jk! lol


28-10-2004 21:00:06

iTunes radio is included with iTunes, and BTW the stations sound great if the quality is high and they connect almost instantly. iTunes is a great piece of software IMO.