Another STV 9/15 thread..

Live forum:


22-10-2004 14:26:51

Any leftovers?! I am still waiting to be shipped, and an iPod is coming to my friend who lives less than a mile away who went STV on 9/15 was shipped on 10/21!

I ordered on 9/8, and he ordered on 9/14, it's bull! (He accidentally signed up directly at, he was useless to me!)

Who else is about to go crazy? And how bout the other 9's and 8's that STILL needs to go shipped? evil


22-10-2004 14:32:29

I'm still not shipped...anyway to get any info out of gratis?


22-10-2004 14:36:26

yay, i was gonna make another thread, im 9/15 and waiting to be shipped. its getting a little annoying


22-10-2004 14:46:52

Dealing with a hope...


22-10-2004 15:00:42

it seems they didnt transfer almost all 9/15 orders to apple, i just called andthey said no1 ordered anything to my address


22-10-2004 15:07:06

9/15 STV still nothing. Waiting patiently


22-10-2004 15:33:23

9/15... same boat as you guys. Nada.


22-10-2004 15:40:47

I haven't shipped either 9/10 order 9/15 stv


22-10-2004 15:44:50

I wouldn't say i'm just shipless since right now i'm also SHITless


22-10-2004 16:29:50

9/15 and nothing....


22-10-2004 16:40:15

[quote36ca064478="DisastirousMurmur"]it seems they didnt transfer almost all 9/15 orders to apple, i just called andthey said no1 ordered anything to my address[/quote36ca064478]



22-10-2004 16:42:35

See thread "great news"


22-10-2004 16:44:13

no ipod for me yet, but my flat screen came today so that was tight.

i searched fedex's site using ML29829/A or whatever the ref no is, using an appropriate date and my zip code and it says "no unique match found" ..........does this mean that there are more than one being shipped? or none at all?

and those fedex reps are so fucking unhelpful.


22-10-2004 18:32:17

9/17 , nothing


22-10-2004 18:38:08

Ordered -> 9/8
STV -> 9/15



22-10-2004 18:47:56

Well since there is a lot of 9/15's still left, that is kind of good news.

Bad news would be finding out that you are the only person with that STV date that has not shipped. I think they shipped a majority of us here, so hopefully we will get shipped soon.

And I've been hearing about how Gratis might engrave on it again... If that happens to mine, I will break my iPod! (Yeah I don't care if it was free, waiting longer than people who ordered after me only to get an iPod tainted with their logo...)


22-10-2004 18:52:02

( I'm a 9/9 - 9/15 stv still not shipped. But still gladly waiting D


22-10-2004 19:03:28

Who thinks that there might be a possibility that we go shipped tonight?

And is it possible for us to go shipped over the weekend? Or if we don't go shipped, it's nothing for sure until Monday?


22-10-2004 21:26:50

I did do a FedEx search using the reference number and a Nov. 4 date, I did get a unique match to my zip code. If this is mine, it's been sitting in China for three days as mentioned by someone who posted in another thread about the ipod sitting there for three days


23-10-2004 05:49:34

You can go shipped over the weekend...

I'm confused as to why my iPod is sitting in Shanghai for three days...


23-10-2004 12:47:22

As mentioned earlier, I had a FedEx match with my zip code. Called to see them to see if it was mine, no dice. So 9/15 STV and still waiting.


23-10-2004 13:24:57

9/15 here too!
for MA (


23-10-2004 14:11:52

I'm tired of getting "quit your bitching" replies because no one realizes that we're probably the largest majority (datewise) that haven't gotten shipped...


23-10-2004 19:47:58

Who else is about to go crazy? And how bout the other 9's and 8's that STILL needs to go shipped? evil

I'll chime in here and add myself to the 9/15 list. There is certainly something wierd about our date when some of us 9/15'ers are getting theirs, and then see posts from people STV in Oct, getting theirs. I think there are still some August people out there though too. So I guess I can't complain as much as I want too.


23-10-2004 22:43:28

Mine shipped!!! Everyone go check the site!
On FedEx I got a crazy reference number though, 2025959123711.


23-10-2004 23:38:35

i'm a 9/15 that finally shipped today...w00h000


24-10-2004 19:41:13

[quotea4dd2d3e1e="joeman957"]Mine shipped!!! Everyone go check the site!
On FedEx I got a crazy reference number though, 2025959123711.[/quotea4dd2d3e1e]

Guess what fellow 9/15'ers... I just shipped too. Looks like apple/gratis has wizen up about the reference numbers. I found out today that my pod got shipped since I have a fedex InSight account. Looking at my tracking number, they've changed the reference number. It's no longer M9282LL/A which from I understand was the model number of the ipods without engraving. My reference number is some 12 digit number, (same amount of digits as my tracking number). Go figure. I'm schedule to get my ipod from China on 10/28! W00t!

Hang in there guys and gals!