22-10-2004 12:51:43
Just wanted to start a thread where we could keep track for with each other.
22-10-2004 12:54:37
Does it count if I was a 10/3 Processing 10/13 STV?
Um, nevermind, apparently I was smoking crack.
22-10-2004 12:55:10
you can post in my topic , i have a 10/13 topic already
22-10-2004 13:00:37
Why dont you link to those threads from here then. Also yours are 10/22 stv arent they?
EDIT nevermind you are saying as of the 22nd.
22-10-2004 17:42:31
i'm 10/5 --> 10/13 stv.... sucks its the weekend ) well, as far as my ipod goes anyways
22-10-2004 18:56:58
My order number is 4616xx also, so we should ship the same time! Yay!!!
22-10-2004 19:48:51
I am part of the 10/13 sent to vendor club
..you guys have any idea when we will get our iPods
...got a question i was told that you receive your iPod when you are in the 'Sent to Vendor' stage...is that true?
22-10-2004 20:16:05
[quoted9dab80f97="noojerz"]I am part of the 10/13 sent to vendor club
..you guys have any idea when we will get our iPods
...got a question i was told that you receive your iPod when you are in the 'Sent to Vendor' stage...is that true?[/quoted9dab80f97]
Hopefully before thanksgiving, and it's sometimes true, alot of people get their ipods before they turn to shipped. Check the fedex website.
22-10-2004 21:01:39
I'm a 10/5 order 10/13 stv.. There was an ipod shipped to somewhere in my zip code on the 21st with an estimated arrival date of 10/27.. I'm in Brooklyn, NY so who even knows if it's mine.. Guess I gotta call and see..
23-10-2004 15:03:53
Hey are people figuring out their tracking number..
..i want a tracking number
you know what i've realized waiting for the ipod is the hardest party (