10/13's Club
22-10-2004 10:50:21
join me if you are 10/13
lets keep us updated...im still STV(as of 10/22)
PS. those who want to say "im 8/4 or 9/1 and you are not gonna get yours any soon" , just STFU ... we're feelin lucky ;)
22-10-2004 11:01:45
I'm with you man. Still STV today (10/22)
22-10-2004 11:18:01
too bad the weekend is coming...damn it
22-10-2004 11:19:05
[quote06fe1de88a="BulkHedd"]I'm with you man. Still STV today (10/22)[/quote06fe1de88a]
Creatif Xpresshun
22-10-2004 11:19:21
I am also 10/13 STV (as of 10/22)...Lets all support each other in gettin our pods )
22-10-2004 11:30:07
I'm a 10/13 as well...still waiting patiently D
22-10-2004 11:35:24
What's your guy's guess when we will receive them?
22-10-2004 11:43:06
nothing for me yet
stv 10/13 here too. Still waiting....
22-10-2004 12:20:52
me too
22-10-2004 12:44:33
im guessing mine should be shipped by 10/29, well its just a guess
i hope your right guardian
22-10-2004 13:19:41
Me too . . . 10/13 STV. Glad I'm not the only one.
[b1b2a738561]Did anyone else watch the video footage of the Gratis Vice President or hear the phone interview with him ? [/b1b2a738561] He said they are working on [u1b2a738561][i1b2a738561]same week shipping[/i1b2a738561][/u1b2a738561].
Party on !
22-10-2004 13:44:06
10/13 STV here too 8) , I just want to have it before thanksgiving and I will be happy.
22-10-2004 13:45:33
Same here.
Was hoping to get it by 10/29. Not going to happen, not by a longshot.
22-10-2004 14:58:58
still STV here.
22-10-2004 15:10:20
10/13 050100 PM
22-10-2004 15:24:02
I am also waiting on 10/13/2004
I was so psyched because my order processed and went STV in under 20 minutes
22-10-2004 15:44:12
[quote6371d93b60="SoL_Snake"]10/13 STV here too 8) , I just want to have it before thanksgiving and I will be happy.[/quote6371d93b60]
That's me...
Hoping for thanksgiving
22-10-2004 16:30:17
10/13 here too
22-10-2004 16:34:20
I think the 10/13s are the coolest...because I'm one too. 8)
22-10-2004 16:56:55
10/13 here
nothin though
22-10-2004 17:11:47
[quotec8bb492993="spyderfry"]I think the 10/13s are the coolest...because I'm one too. 8)[/quotec8bb492993]
mee too!!!
roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll
22-10-2004 17:15:41
I'm 10/13 stv also
22-10-2004 18:19:41
me am 10/13 as well
23-10-2004 03:07:48
well i guess i'll just say... me too.... so we just got a bunch of stv's in here... waiting for a change...great party guys!
23-10-2004 08:00:33
wow me too. thats a lot of 10/13's. I think i'm going to get my iPod from mp3players4free before i get it from freeipods lol If i ordered a day earlier on mp3players4free mine would be shipped already. ahhh i hate waitng.
23-10-2004 13:19:19
ill join the club. woohoo
23-10-2004 14:54:07
i'm 10/13 stv too ..I want my iPod
..do ne of you guys know do we receive our iPod when we are in the 'Sent to Vendor' stage..or how does it work let me know thnx
23-10-2004 16:10:55
[quote7f4d6d8266="noojerz"]i'm 10/13 stv too ..I want my iPod
..do ne of you guys know do we receive our iPod when we are in the 'Sent to Vendor' stage..or how does it work let me know thnx[/quote7f4d6d8266]
probably, i dont think it will say "shipped" until we get it.
24-10-2004 12:58:00
I'm 10/7 STV. No change in status yet. Perhaps we will all get pooled and shipped together.
24-10-2004 13:10:18
ray you dumbass lol lol lol
you're 10/7 ordering/proccessing time
you're 10/13 STV
24-10-2004 13:13:14
i'm also stv 10/13 )
24-10-2004 13:13:57
<10/13 nothing yet but who cares theres still a trillion waiting. I thought i had mine shipped but it was 2 not coming to me
24-10-2004 13:57:46
24-10-2004 14:03:04
I hope the 10/13 and the 10/22 ship at the same time P
24-10-2004 15:18:14
Dammit! ... There's one that shipped today going to my zip code and it's not going to my address!
Oh well, gettin my hopes up for nothin. (
24-10-2004 17:03:55
yup 10/13 hiah
24-10-2004 17:06:14
I don't understand how this works. You guys are all saying you're STV 10/13, but all of your signatures say STV 10/4-10/7...
24-10-2004 17:08:29
those are proccessing dates.
24-10-2004 18:11:32
[quote3e7b0b13cb="Blurrz"]I don't understand how this works. You guys are all saying you're STV 10/13, but all of your signatures say STV 10/4-10/7...[/quote3e7b0b13cb]
Those are the dates they ordered their iPods. That date never gets updated.
25-10-2004 06:32:36
[quote157ef667a5="Blurrz"]I don't understand how this works. You guys are all saying you're STV 10/13, but all of your signatures say STV 10/4-10/7...[/quote157ef667a5]
As BlingKing said, those are processing dates, which was when the iPod was ordered.
My STV date is 10/13. Just watching this thread to see when they will start shipping ours.
The 9/15 processings are going out now according to some new threads.
Pusha C
25-10-2004 06:48:20
Chillywilly when his iPod finally ships...
http//www.freeipodguide.com/phpBB2/images/avatars/1748005366415b03252274b.png[" alt=""/img623a5b5527]
Creatif Xpresshun
25-10-2004 09:06:16
While 10/13 STV people we are coming up to our second week and still nothing....seems alot of people are gettin shipped now, hopefully we will hear something...
25-10-2004 10:54:03
yea , something is gonna happen for some of us ;) i hope
25-10-2004 11:00:53
[quote2db9908bc0="Blurrz"]I don't understand how this works. You guys are all saying you're STV 10/13, but all of your signatures say STV 10/4-10/7...[/quote2db9908bc0]
Yea I dont understand it either...where do you get the 10/13 date when it says a different date. I dont see 10/13 anywhere so where does that come from
25-10-2004 11:04:05
Click on your order number and in that screen it has the updated STV date.
25-10-2004 11:16:29
Ahhhh i see now
25-10-2004 14:30:53
What are the other STV dates between us and 9/15?
25-10-2004 14:45:40
there is 10/6 (the formerly 9/27) and i guess then US D but 10/6 have been shipping for more than a week now
25-10-2004 18:12:05
[quote6e32c4d327="Guardian"]there is 10/6 (the formerly 9/27) and i guess then US D but 10/6 have been shipping for more than a week now[/quote6e32c4d327]
Yep. It would be nice to see some of the 10/13 start shipping this next week (or sooner would be nice, too)
26-10-2004 09:48:21
[quote22583ff142="Guardian"]there is 10/6 (the formerly 9/27) and i guess then US D but 10/6 have been shipping for more than a week now[/quote22583ff142]
Wow, we're coming up sooner than I thought. Hopefully we'll have something to be excited about by week's end! D
26-10-2004 10:33:00
Damn, stop with that crazy talk...you are getting me all excited and stuff. evil
26-10-2004 15:30:39
except for a couple of other threads out here, this is the only one I'm watching until I see some sort of shipping notice.
Keep checking my FiP account, even though I know an email will let me know more info on my FIP.
26-10-2004 16:08:02
Hell yeah! once I see by 10/13 brethren shipping, then I will sing Halelujah!!
27-10-2004 04:13:09
i can't wait for you 13's to ship...
because then my group should be next )
I didn't ship, I'm just praying (
27-10-2004 08:13:10
Hey L0th, you are going to free your ipod in your avatar once you get it, right?
[quotedc571cd7cc]Hey L0th, you are going to free your ipod in your avatar once you get it, right?[/quotedc571cd7cc]
No. I'll flog it for coming home so late.
27-10-2004 13:01:24
HaHa...+ karma...I would want to do the same. "BAD IPOD, BAD!"
27-10-2004 16:18:49
I think it's safe to say that we are the next batch, guys! WOO-HOO!!!!
27-10-2004 16:34:35
yeah... pls ship the damn 10/13....
else i can't get mine shipped...
unless they skip ;)
Sol Survivor
27-10-2004 17:03:18
im 10/13
27-10-2004 18:05:17
7 days...
27-10-2004 18:25:14
[quote7e7e016d45="Goomp"]YOU HEAR THAT?
7 days...[/quote7e7e016d45]
Hear what?
27-10-2004 19:01:18
I duno im just talking lol
27-10-2004 19:41:43
any estimate now on when we'll be shippeD?....
...this week?...
so were the next batch to be shipped aye? sounds good to me
27-10-2004 23:40:04
[quote3247aa61ef="l0th"][quote3247aa61ef]Hey L0th, you are going to free your ipod in your avatar once you get it, right?[/quote3247aa61ef]
No. I'll flog it for coming home so late.[/quote3247aa61ef]
I'm guessing he'll put an icondom on it and release it from bars liek a true convict. mabye just wishfull thinking.
if they try to keep it behind bars past the end of this week I think I'm gonna appeal to the supreme court.
28-10-2004 07:21:23
Just wanted to add my fellow 10/13 insight. I think we all need to give it one more week and we'll probably all ship the same day! Go Ten-Thirteeners!!
28-10-2004 08:46:49
i guess so , besides the new mp3 player site keeps me busy for now. so far 3 greens, i need 2 more. any of you 10/13's wanna help me ?
28-10-2004 09:02:56
10/13 here
looks like a pretty big batch
or at least the biggest ive noticed thus far
maybe since its a big chunk it will get sent faster
28-10-2004 09:37:34
any of you 10/13's seeing your pods on the Fed/Ex tracking by reference number yet? From what I understand, you may see it there several days before you go to "shipped"....anyone?
28-10-2004 12:18:16
[quote60524b267c="UberLucid"]any of you 10/13's seeing your pods on the Fed/Ex tracking by reference number yet? From what I understand, you may see it there several days before you go to "shipped"....anyone?[/quote60524b267c]
I never really figured out how to do that, so I haven't been able to.
28-10-2004 12:22:52
[quote6cdf44ad17="UberLucid"]any of you 10/13's seeing your pods on the Fed/Ex tracking by reference number yet? From what I understand, you may see it there several days before you go to "shipped"....anyone?[/quote6cdf44ad17]
I've heard the reference number has changed from that MA... one to the 2025959123711 one. Anyone know which one ours is most likely to have?
28-10-2004 12:23:18
i keep chacking everyday , i have the Insight account too
28-10-2004 12:26:34
got to http//www.fedex.com/us/
"By Referece Number"
put this in the box 2025959123711
And choose USA, and your zip....
28-10-2004 15:55:06
maybe well get shipped by monday?...
...linot keeping hopes upli -/
29-10-2004 07:42:35
Come on T13s (that's what I'm gonna call us now), keep hope alive! We're down to the wire now. Go Gratis!!! Ship them pods!!!
29-10-2004 08:33:07
It seems like no 20GB iPods went out this week, right? Just minis?
29-10-2004 09:04:11
yes, this was a slow week
29-10-2004 11:12:00
[quote1f84ad416c="Guardian"]yes, this was a slow week[/quote1f84ad416c] I would have to call it a very long week. sheesh. ?
29-10-2004 11:19:10
STV, Still waiting.
29-10-2004 13:46:06
did yall order the Hpod or apple one"?
i got hpod. hopefully that wont slow me down
29-10-2004 13:58:31
[quote78f45901e9="mtbaird5687"]did yall order the Hpod or apple one"?
i got hpod. hopefully that wont slow me down[/quote78f45901e9]
I did same thing, but the people from the last couple of shipments were just getting apples, so I think the Hpod thing was only temporarily to help gratis get caught back up.
29-10-2004 16:12:45
i get a real strong feeling that we will be shipped on monday or any time in the coming week....very strong feeling...
...can't wait...
anyone else have any other predictions?
29-10-2004 16:31:39
[quotec77234eeed="noojerz"]i get a real strong feeling that we will be shipped on monday or any time in the coming week....very strong feeling...
...can't wait...
anyone else have any other predictions?[/quotec77234eeed]
Not sure, but your icon is hilarious
29-10-2004 16:32:11
No other predictions here other than I hope that you are right about the 10/13's shipping on Monday.
That would certainly make me a happy camper.
29-10-2004 16:42:29
yes yes i love my icon also haha...
...i am pretty much sure if we aren't shipped monday we will be shipped that week that i can almost say for sure...sigh dont wana get my hopes up thought..
29-10-2004 19:58:23
I think that apple is shipping them out as they get the others delivered since apparently they aren't very good at shipping or stuff like that
Creatif Xpresshun
30-10-2004 01:06:21
Heh, how are people so sure we will ship next week....but if we do, that would make me extremely happy...in about 2 weeks we would have officially been waitin a month (
30-10-2004 01:28:30
Gratis has been pretty consistent lately with shipping about every week or two since they started getting caught up so im predicting or shipment next week too
31-10-2004 06:42:13
Do you think us 10/22's will ship with ya ;)
31-10-2004 09:16:55
[quote55d8246533="shooby"]Do you think us 10/22's will ship with ya ;)[/quote55d8246533]
who else here thinks 10/22s suck
31-10-2004 10:26:33
yah they suck. a big fat fatty
31-10-2004 11:36:49
any of you fellow 10/13s wanna help me ? i have 4 greens right now for mp3players4free.com ... need just one more, JUST ONE MORE. help me out ... pm me plz if you want to (i posted here because you all are well familiar with how it works) .peaceurl==http://=http:///url thanks in advance
31-10-2004 13:17:20
any of you fellow 10/13s wanna help me ? i have 4 greens right now for mp3players4free.com ... need just one more, JUST ONE MORE. help me out ... pm me plz if you want to (i posted here because you all are well familiar with how it works) .peaceurl==http://=http:///url thanks in advance[/quote4a209adcc1]
Any of you fellow 10/13's want to envy me that my mp3players4free ipod is coming tomorrow, the day you hope we ship. AHAHAHAHA twisted twisted offercentric rules!
31-10-2004 20:28:49
thats only because they are new. when they get to about a thousand waiting see how long it will take them to ship them out using their current vendor.
31-10-2004 20:29:15
Yeah... BlingKing... I think offercentric is great, too. Seems people are shipping much faster than Gratis.
Will have to see if that's still the case in 3 months.
01-11-2004 09:04:48
I was a 10/13er until this morning my status was changed to "hold" !
Whats up with that? I have emailed them to see why exactly. Anyone else encounter this?
01-11-2004 11:08:38
[quotefd997d5cb1="Pooh"]I was a 10/13er until this morning my status was changed to "hold" !
Whats up with that? I have emailed them to see why exactly. Anyone else encounter this?[/quotefd997d5cb1]
Not sure... perhaps one of your referrals has done something to place you on hold... an offer or a signup issue, perhaps.
Still STV here.
01-11-2004 11:29:01
woo hoo! changed from not found on fed ex to NOT tracked......which means it probably entered the fed ex systems this morning )
01-11-2004 12:02:52
[quoted954d5c900]woo hoo! changed from not found on fed ex to NOT tracked......which means it probably entered the fed ex systems this morning[/quoted954d5c900]
Crow216, you were STV 10/13? What reference number/date did you use to track it?
01-11-2004 12:08:48
hey guys... i just found out.. i've been living a lie. I'm a 10/13. I thought i was 10/6. i was wrong, i was wrong.
another week or two, i bet.
01-11-2004 13:14:01
[quote836c291a3e="crow216"]woo hoo! changed from not found on fed ex to NOT tracked......which means it probably entered the fed ex systems this morning )[/quote836c291a3e]
I hope it's not cause they happened to change the terminology. I can imagine that "Not Tracked" is simply Fedex's new way of saying "Not Found."
I so hope I'm wrong...
i'm still getting not found, so lets hope you're right and the 10/13s are going out!
01-11-2004 13:20:37
[quoteb46e389b90="Randyspawn"][quoteb46e389b90="crow216"]woo hoo! changed from not found on fed ex to NOT tracked......which means it probably entered the fed ex systems this morning )[/quoteb46e389b90]
I hope it's not cause they happened to change the terminology. I can imagine that "Not Tracked" is simply Fedex's new way of saying "Not Found."
I so hope I'm wrong...[/quoteb46e389b90]
Not Tracked and Not Found are diffrent.
01-11-2004 13:31:09
Not tracked means the system had trouble processing your request, try changing the date by a day and it will more than likely say not found.
01-11-2004 14:28:56
[quoteff4dd4c350="Bungholio"]Not tracked means the system had trouble processing your request, try changing the date by a day and it will more than likely say not found.[/quoteff4dd4c350]
Now this makes sense.
Creatif Xpresshun
01-11-2004 14:45:33
And so we enter another week...lets see if anythin changes )
01-11-2004 14:57:32
I have the worst feeling that we are going to be the new 8/XX's.
It seems they caught up on all the backorders and now these are going to be shipped late December.
01-11-2004 15:03:02
[quote622e0eeaaf="brywalker"]I have the worst feeling that we are going to be the new 8/XX's.
It seems they caught up on all the backorders and now these are going to be shipped late December.[/quote622e0eeaaf]
Don't say that!
01-11-2004 15:05:49
Yeah, don't say that. What the hell is all this doom and gloom? It's been 3 f'ing weeks. If it's a week before christmas and we'll still waiting, then you can post that.
But for now, it's all good. Just waiting for the freebie.
yeah! come on guys! we're shipping tomorrow, right?
01-11-2004 15:46:32
anyone want to make a wager on the delivery date? I'm picking November 5th we'll get shipped.
01-11-2004 16:56:19
It better get to me before the 9th, cuz when Halo 2 comes out, I won't have time to play with my ipod for a week at least.
01-11-2004 17:28:22
you can always send it to me. i'll give it some attention mrgreen
01-11-2004 18:02:50
WOOO HOO!!! IM getting unique match not found now! YES!!!!
EDIT nevermind.....went to nov 3 and it was someone else.......pfffttt
01-11-2004 21:20:18
what reference number are you guys using to find this stuff out from fedex...
...i can feel my ipod coming closer and closer ) hahaha
02-11-2004 10:08:14
The latest one is 2025959123711.
02-11-2004 11:03:25
12/17 ship date. I can feel it
something tells me that you will already have a free ipod by then. Maybe not from gratis, but still... ;)
02-11-2004 13:58:59
I really hope you are right, my friend.
02-11-2004 15:34:59
11/02 here and im stil STV...
...i wana ship!!!!!
02-11-2004 18:47:40
Still disapointed Been waiting for like a mounth and a week. Stv date doesn't matter because I have finished everything that long ago. It doesn't matter that people have waited for 2 mounths either because That's when they were backed up with vender issues. Now there is nothing preventing them from shipping so Y. Also people realize that checking fedex at 1100 at night because it is like 3 pm in china or whatever doesn't matter because it will take a couple of hours to get into fedex's system.
03-11-2004 10:43:31
Yea, I am beginning to get impatient......all the august orders need to STFU its not like anyone owes you shit because you waited 2 months......our stv is at 3 weeks and you gotta realize that its a bit frustrating because everyone else is shipping out on time now and the early octobers shipped almost 1-2 weeks ago......
03-11-2004 13:39:56
I processed on 10/5 and went STV 10/13 and still...........nothing
Creatif Xpresshun
03-11-2004 14:08:38
Well today is officially the 3rd week of waitin, and still we have nothing.....no word or anything...
03-11-2004 14:30:52
cry me a damn river...
all these complaints are pathetic.
03-11-2004 15:19:58
[quote26e7d0d019="danetix"]cry me a damn river...
all these complaints are pathetic.[/quote26e7d0d019]
Fuck you, no one cares what you think. We are waiting on our iPods, and we have nothing better to do than bitch about how long they are taking.
if you're bored and tired of waiting, just do what I did set-up conga lines for other deals it'll keep you VERY busy and it might even get you a free (photo?) ipod before the Gratis 20gb one )
03-11-2004 16:34:42
[quote3fb7740aa7="l0th"]if you're bored and tired of waiting, just do what I did set-up conga lines for other deals it'll keep you VERY busy and it might even get you a free (photo?) ipod before the Gratis 20gb one )[/quote3fb7740aa7]
I'm doing that now... which is why this thread is pretty much the only one I check for now... although some of the joke ones are pretty damn funny.
03-11-2004 17:30:28
[quote3366481ffa="tcoop25"][quote3366481ffa="danetix"]cry me a damn river...
all these complaints are pathetic.[/quote3366481ffa]
Fuck you, no one cares what you think. We are waiting on our iPods, and we have nothing better to do than bitch about how long they are taking.[/quote3366481ffa]
here's a tissue.
03-11-2004 19:08:08
seriously guys stop this nonsense hahah just be patient yeah it has only been 3 weeks i mean we stil got time but it would be nice to get shipped this week haha you know what i mean !!
03-11-2004 19:23:01
[quoted50d97d170="noojerz"]seriously guys stop this nonsense hahah just be patient yeah it has only been 3 weeks i mean we stil got time but it would be nice to get shipped this week haha you know what i mean !![/quoted50d97d170]
your sig is...a little big.
03-11-2004 19:30:59
use the crop tool
03-11-2004 19:36:28
03-11-2004 20:24:40
03-11-2004 20:47:09
hahah sorry about that guys i thought i had cropped it i guess not D well through my speculations we are going to ship on friday which is the day the 11/5's will turn STV then thats what i think !
what you guys think?
04-11-2004 00:53:44
[quote01dbc3e2e8="noojerz"]hahah sorry about that guys i thought i had cropped it i guess not D well through my speculations we are going to ship on friday which is the day the 11/5's will turn STV then thats what i think !
what you guys think?[/quote01dbc3e2e8]
Whats the point we'll just be disapointed when it doesnt ship on friday.
04-11-2004 05:38:52
It will ship on Friday.
Friday, January 7, 2005.
Creatif Xpresshun
04-11-2004 06:31:22
^^^See that is how people got shot -/
04-11-2004 06:49:54
Gratis says "2-3 weeks" So, maybe you guys will ship out this week?
04-11-2004 06:51:51
Actuially I t probally won't ship on a friday because our friday is their sat morning
ligoing postalli who should I take out fedex or apple
04-11-2004 07:15:28
[quote0f9ed9d5d9="Da_KilLa"]Actuially I t probally won't ship on a friday because our friday is their sat morning
ligoing postalli who should I take out fedex or apple[/quote0f9ed9d5d9]
they make the kids in china waork 7 days a week...
04-11-2004 12:47:51
wow, looks like we'll need more than a box of tissues...
why do all of you complain when you're getting something almost completely free...it will come when it comes.
04-11-2004 13:00:25
[quote54f91b6689="danetix"]wow, looks like we'll need more than a box of tissues...
why do all of you complain when you're getting something almost completely free...it will come when it comes.[/quote54f91b6689]
why do you complain about us complaining.
04-11-2004 13:49:08
[quote00e815720e="Da_KilLa"][quote00e815720e="danetix"]wow, looks like we'll need more than a box of tissues...
why do all of you complain when you're getting something almost completely free...it will come when it comes.[/quote00e815720e]
why do you complain about us complaining.[/quote00e815720e]
i dont understand why you have such a hard time waiting. the people in august waited 2 months. we've only been waiting for 3 weeks. find something else to do to keep your mind off of it. i don't see how whining in the forums about not getting your ipod will help.
04-11-2004 14:22:43
^shut your trap
they complained too in that 2 months of waiting
Rodney King
04-11-2004 15:59:00
[b40267b0751]Can't we all just get along?[/b40267b0751][/color40267b0751][/size40267b0751]
04-11-2004 17:30:50
[quoteac86c772f7="Rodney King"][bac86c772f7]Can't we all just get along?[/bac86c772f7][/colorac86c772f7][/sizeac86c772f7][/quoteac86c772f7]
I wish, but its not gonna happen...
04-11-2004 17:43:47
[quote54fefaad46="pcmsurf"]^shut your trap
they complained too in that 2 months of waiting[/quote54fefaad46]
so if they rob a bank, its ok if you do it too?
[quotef8b3564e9a="danetix"]i dont understand why you have such a hard time waiting. the people in august waited 2 months. we've only been waiting for 3 weeks. find something else to do to keep your mind off of it. i don't see how whining in the forums about not getting your ipod will help.[/quotef8b3564e9a]
i don't see how whining about people whining will help either.
04-11-2004 18:05:46
you guys we are gonna get our iPod sooner or later lets just hope its sooner and move on ahah alright
04-11-2004 18:47:42
[quoted5b775251e="ario"][quoted5b775251e="danetix"]i dont understand why you have such a hard time waiting. the people in august waited 2 months. we've only been waiting for 3 weeks. find something else to do to keep your mind off of it. i don't see how whining in the forums about not getting your ipod will help.[/quoted5b775251e]
i don't see how whining about people whining will help either.[/quoted5b775251e]
hahah. that was just too funny.
04-11-2004 22:34:30
[quotea9e82dad93="danetix"][quotea9e82dad93="pcmsurf"]^shut your trap
they complained too in that 2 months of waiting[/quotea9e82dad93]
so if they rob a bank, its ok if you do it too?[/quotea9e82dad93]
No but if we rob the bank after seeing them do it, they better not give us shit for robbing said bank ... damn hypocrites
04-11-2004 23:14:58
if you're implying that im a hippocrite, maybe you should look at my sig.
04-11-2004 23:22:05
[quote29f159ceb9="danetix"]if you're implying that im a hippocrite, maybe you should look at my sig.[/quote29f159ceb9]
No not you, didn't mean to make an example of you. I was calling those who now have their iPods and telling those who are expressing their anxiousness and complaining to "shut the fuck up" the hypocrites since they had bitched and moaned just as much.
04-11-2004 23:23:47
you guys are really impatient, im honestly not that interested any more...im just waiting, havent checked fedex in 2-3 days. im pretty busy with my man sex so I need to get a new ass guard.
05-11-2004 05:19:48
[quote41cea0bbb1="Guardian"]you guys are really impatient, im honestly not that interested any more...im just waiting, havent checked fedex in 2-3 days. im pretty busy with my conga line now, been doing some advertising too.it all keeps me busy[/quote41cea0bbb1]
the link in your sig is dead...
05-11-2004 12:01:09
OK I am not gonna say I am shipped because last time I did it turned out to be someone else BUT........I am getting Not tracked for nov 5 with the M9282LL/A reference........If it is indeed shipped and mine then in a few hours it should say unique match not found.
05-11-2004 12:02:23
Just refreshed and it says Unique match not found ) I checked the same reference on Nov 4 to make sure its not a previous shipment that has already been delivered...........Got not found on nov 4 and unique match not found for nov 5.. hope this is good news
05-11-2004 12:15:40
I get the same thing for my zip.
I hope you guys are right but I'm a 10/13 stv using FedEx InSight and nothing's coming my way.
05-11-2004 12:25:31
I get nothing when I use the newer reference number (2025959123711) though. ?
Yeah, I'm afraid this is (unfortunately) a false alert.
05-11-2004 12:36:50
it doesn't HAVE to be the new ref number....
05-11-2004 12:54:52
I just get "not found" no matter what ref I use. Have you ever heard of this story called "the boy who cried wolf" ??? Knockitoff! D
05-11-2004 13:08:03
[quote44a583681b="crow216"]it doesn't HAVE to be the new ref number....[/quote44a583681b]
Thats a good thing then...hope we're onto something here! P
05-11-2004 13:30:51
im also getting Not Tracked...earlier today it was just Not Found.
05-11-2004 13:37:21
just refreshed and im unique match not found!
05-11-2004 13:44:30
This could be good.......looks like 3 people who may have shipped )
05-11-2004 13:48:17
i just called fedex and had them check for anything coming to my name and zip, and i got nothin. Is it possible they just don't have the info yet or should i lose hope?
05-11-2004 13:48:42
i got unique on Nov 5th with M9282LL/A
05-11-2004 13:49:59
[quote13db9fed40="musicmaster"]i got unique on Nov 5th with M9282LL/A[/quote13db9fed40]
unique as in no unique match or unique as in you see its coming to you?
also, the fedex lady had no clue what a reference number was. weird.
[quotee3f97d7f34]i got unique on Nov 5th with M9282LL/A[/quotee3f97d7f34]
Well if you're a 10/13 i doubt its yours, cause i'm still getting not found...and i'm a realllll early 10/13 (processed 10/4...so why the f didnt i STV 10/6 ( )
05-11-2004 14:00:09
[quotea9842a043f="yeft"][quotea9842a043f]i got unique on Nov 5th with M9282LL/A[/quotea9842a043f]
Well if you're a 10/13 i doubt its yours, cause i'm still getting not found...and i'm a realllll early 10/13 (processed 10/4...so why the f didnt i STV 10/6 ( )[/quotea9842a043f]
Yeah im a 10/13, processed 10/5.. i just called, and she said theres somthing placed in my account, but details havent been entered yet
05-11-2004 14:01:09
I'm a 10/5 processed
05-11-2004 14:01:43
[quotea368fd06b0="musicmaster"][quotea368fd06b0="yeft"][quotea368fd06b0]i got unique on Nov 5th with M9282LL/A[/quotea368fd06b0]
Well if you're a 10/13 i doubt its yours, cause i'm still getting not found...and i'm a realllll early 10/13 (processed 10/4...so why the f didnt i STV 10/6 ( )[/quotea368fd06b0]
Yeah im a 10/13, processed 10/5.. i just called, and she said theres somthing placed in my account, but details havent been entered yet[/quotea368fd06b0]
w00t! hope it yours, i'm about to call them
UPDATE I get uniqe match not found ONLY if i search for Nov. 5th ( i searched for m9282ll/a)
05-11-2004 14:05:19
called last night
nothing then
probably try again on monday
05-11-2004 14:08:00
[quoteddfaf8e8ba="keeleysam"][quoteddfaf8e8ba="musicmaster"][quoteddfaf8e8ba="yeft"][quoteddfaf8e8ba]i got unique on Nov 5th with M9282LL/A[/quoteddfaf8e8ba]
Well if you're a 10/13 i doubt its yours, cause i'm still getting not found...and i'm a realllll early 10/13 (processed 10/4...so why the f didnt i STV 10/6 ( )[/quoteddfaf8e8ba]
Yeah im a 10/13, processed 10/5.. i just called, and she said theres somthing placed in my account, but details havent been entered yet[/quoteddfaf8e8ba]
w00t! hope it yours, i'm about to call them
UPDATE I get uniqe match not found ONLY if i search for Nov. 5th ( i searched for m9282ll/a)[/quoteddfaf8e8ba]
i'm still getting nothinig... i hope it doesnt have to do with me entering cr. instead of cir for circle... (cause i realized the other day thats why it said address not found)
[quote9a3a1b4195]she said theres somthing placed in my account, but details havent been entered yet[/quote9a3a1b4195]
I seem to recall that's what happened about two weeks ago (?) when there were a few really big shipments from Shanghai. I remember we were wondering if they just didn't put the boxes with minimal info (destination ZIP), in a cargo plane and sorted everyting out somewhere else (Alaska?). Not saying we were right about that but that info similar to what we have today spurred these guesses and, more importantly for us, preceded a big load of ipods shipping our way.
Let's not try to get too excited though.
as I said before, I don't have anything on InSight but if I go to FedEx main website and make a search by reference number I have a unique match for yesterday (nov. 4), but unique match not found for today. I'm not very good at this kinf of count but I think it means that FedEx has started to somehow process an ipod coming to my zip today. Right?
05-11-2004 14:41:47
still getting nothing when i search
i don't know...all i'm saying is that i'm getting nothing, and i have a very low order number relative to whats gone out
05-11-2004 15:12:21
i get unique match not found too....but im a 10/22
eta i got that for nov. 4th and 5th
called fedex and they see nothing coming to me.
05-11-2004 15:30:27
with the reference number M9282LL/A i also got "unique match not found" and i am 10/4 processing so whats the deal with this?
guys, I really don't think the processing date matters. I believe Gratis is doing what it's been doing before they wait to have enough orders to send together and will put us with later stvs. Now, if they do that the same way they did before, they'll just send everything together, with no order whatsoever, and people at the apple factory send out by big random chunks. What's the last stv date that we know of?
05-11-2004 15:56:00
what does all this 10/13 stuff mean?
05-11-2004 16:31:18
the date in which people went Sent to vendor
many people have the same number because they send everyone whos been processing for a while to STV at the same day
05-11-2004 18:43:04
Yea I"m gonna have to call a false alarm on this one. I checked and I have nothing at all. The only thing I got was for one that was already delivered last month. I keep getting not found however if I keep hitting refresh every now an then it says unique match not found an then it will go back to just Not found. So yea keep waiting
05-11-2004 18:45:55
Ok i think on the stv dates they do it in alphabetical order because I had unique match not found since this morning and my last name is an A.......I am pretty sure we are all shipping out now )
05-11-2004 18:47:36
[quote4b7b67dc65="Rainman"]Yea I"m gonna have to call a false alarm on this one. I checked and I have nothing at all. The only thing I got was for one that was already delivered last month. I keep getting not found however if I keep hitting refresh every now an then it says unique match not found an then it will go back to just Not found. So yea keep waiting[/quote4b7b67dc65]
False alarm on like 10 people? Just because you don't got yours coming don't mean no1 else does.....
05-11-2004 19:23:46
nothing for me (but i'm a 10/22, so i wansnt expecting it)
05-11-2004 19:40:55
[quote6b8dcafd19="crow216"]Ok i think on the stv dates they do it in alphabetical order because I had unique match not found since this morning and my last name is an A.......I am pretty sure we are all shipping out now )[/quote6b8dcafd19]my last name starts with B and fedex said they have nothing even though i got a unique match not found.
05-11-2004 20:01:39
... mice at the bar. pressing and getting shocked each time.
you fuckers really had my hopes up (
ah well, back to the waiting game. fingers still crossed.
05-11-2004 22:33:11
[quotedc8e1c57ee="crow216"][quotedc8e1c57ee="Rainman"]Yea I"m gonna have to call a false alarm on this one. I checked and I have nothing at all. The only thing I got was for one that was already delivered last month. I keep getting not found however if I keep hitting refresh every now an then it says unique match not found an then it will go back to just Not found. So yea keep waiting[/quotedc8e1c57ee]
False alarm on like 10 people? Just because you don't got yours coming don't mean no1 else does.....[/quotedc8e1c57ee]
I'm just saying i dont thing the unique match not found has any significance here when its shipped for sure you'll see it there.
05-11-2004 23:30:56
10/13s I'M SIPPED BISHES!!!!!!!!!!!!
[quote3f581a9e0c="Rainman"][quote3f581a9e0c="crow216"][quote3f581a9e0c="Rainman"]Yea I"m gonna have to call a false alarm on this one. I checked and I have nothing at all. The only thing I got was for one that was already delivered last month. I keep getting not found however if I keep hitting refresh every now an then it says unique match not found an then it will go back to just Not found. So yea keep waiting[/quote3f581a9e0c]
False alarm on like 10 people? Just because you don't got yours coming don't mean no1 else does.....[/quote3f581a9e0c]
I'm just saying i dont thing the unique match not found has any significance here when its shipped for sure you'll see it there.[/quote3f581a9e0c]
06-11-2004 03:10:24
are you suuuuuuure? how did you find out? fedex or gratis updated your status?
06-11-2004 05:17:16
I'm a 10/13 STV and when I got up this morning PodWatch had a message saying my status had changed to SHIPPED. I logged onto FIP.com and checked and sure enough it did ship. I clicked on the tracking link and it actually shipped out UPS. It shipped from Bartlett, TN. The scheduled delivery date is 11/8, so I'm pretty happy!
I thought they were all coming from China and were shipping FedEX??
06-11-2004 09:03:57
Must be nice.
06-11-2004 09:20:42
I'm STV since 10/22 we should ship next Friday I hope.
07-11-2004 18:30:54
Good deal, bulkhedd.
Hoping for shipped status here this week.
Sounds like the 10/13's are on their way to getting iPods.
07-11-2004 18:36:57
i hope so , congrats
07-11-2004 20:30:20
I'm a 10/13 STV and i'm shipped!!!!!!!!! It's already in Los Angeles, I'm so stoked it should be here soon!
07-11-2004 20:31:18
p.s. mine is fedex
07-11-2004 22:34:52
im getting unique match not found with the ref. # "M9282LL/A" . the date is set to the 8th.
ill just wait and see what happens , im tired of calling fedex and being told nothing is coming to me
08-11-2004 15:30:12
how come when i click "click here to track" it takes me to fedex sigh how come everyone else is going through UPS
08-11-2004 15:31:20
whats your peoples arrival date?
08-11-2004 15:52:23
i think this is the longest thread in freeipodguide history
08-11-2004 16:11:45
[quote78e18b17f5="usedtobeamember"]im getting unique match not found with the ref. # "M9282LL/A" . the date is set to the 8th.
ill just wait and see what happens , im tired of calling fedex and being told nothing is coming to me[/quote78e18b17f5]
when i put that reference for me, it shows an ipod already delivered in my area cry
08-11-2004 16:13:33
[quotee6810dff14="danetix"][quotee6810dff14="usedtobeamember"]im getting unique match not found with the ref. # "M9282LL/A" . the date is set to the 8th.
ill just wait and see what happens , im tired of calling fedex and being told nothing is coming to me[/quotee6810dff14]
when i put that reference for me, it shows an ipod already delivered in my area cry[/quotee6810dff14]So do I but it was delivered Oct. 18. Maybe the ref # thing is goofed up and it means one is coming to someone else in the area?
08-11-2004 16:17:36
[quotec923dec640="zdizzle89"]i think this is the longest thread in freeipodguide history[/quotec923dec640]
That's because there is a buttload of 10/13s in da house!
08-11-2004 16:26:39
any of you 10/13's shipping through fedex?
there are a butload of 10/13s...
which makes a ton of us unfortunate losers...
we need a gratis conact!
08-11-2004 21:32:22
[quotef0a1228d68="zdizzle89"]i think this is the longest thread in freeipodguide history[/quotef0a1228d68]
and yet the poor thread starter is banned! roll
08-11-2004 23:02:35
lol why did he get banned?
08-11-2004 23:27:54
Look at his sig what do you think. The admin hates gays and 10/13's )
09-11-2004 03:32:17
[quote85425d51bc="Guardian"]you guys are really impatient, im honestly not that interested any more...im just waiting, havent checked fedex in 2-3 days. im pretty busy with my man sex so I need to get a new ass guard.[/quote85425d51bc]
hah, yeah i can see that...
09-11-2004 10:28:58
[quote52945d438f="danetix"][quote52945d438f="Guardian"]you guys are really impatient, im honestly not that interested any more...im just waiting, havent checked fedex in 2-3 days. im pretty busy with my man sex so I need to get a new ass guard.[/quote52945d438f]
hah, yeah i can see that...[/quote52945d438f]
lol , they are all edited !
09-11-2004 12:09:32
Still says STV on my status.
I selected HP (If Available) but received an Apple. It arrived from ACI and shipped via UPS.
09-11-2004 12:13:49
crean, were you 10/6? 10/13? 10/22?
09-11-2004 12:16:20
[quotec4dccea45b="creanium"]MY IPOD JUST ARRIVED!!
Still says STV on my status.
I selected HP (If Available) but received an Apple. It arrived from ACI and shipped via UPS.[/quotec4dccea45b]
WOW!! This is great news.
What carrier? Fedex or UPS?
Any references numbers on the box?
What was your STV date?
09-11-2004 12:25:16
well he said it came via UPS...does UPS use the same reference #s as FedEx?
09-11-2004 12:28:00
[quote0af03cbaaf="chillywilly"][quote0af03cbaaf="creanium"]MY IPOD JUST ARRIVED!!
Still says STV on my status.
I selected HP (If Available) but received an Apple. It arrived from ACI and shipped via UPS.[/quote0af03cbaaf]
WOW!! This is great news.
What carrier? Fedex or UPS?
Any references numbers on the box?
What was your STV date?[/quote0af03cbaaf]
I was a 10/13 (which is why I posted in the 10/13 thread, heh)
Shipped via UPS. It seems they're shipping from regional warehouses because mine shipped out of Elk Grove, CA and shipped out yesterday (I'm in San Diego).
Reference # 8015350516
Customer Purchase Order # 2025959123711
Shippers # 182577
09-11-2004 12:32:41
interesting...im assuming you had no idea it was coming? i wonder if yours was just a leftover from the big batch or if it's the beginning of a new one. Have we gotten any other UPS reference #s?
09-11-2004 12:35:47
[quote253931c5ac="jrocket"]interesting...im assuming you had no idea it was coming? i wonder if yours was just a leftover from the big batch or if it's the beginning of a new one. Have we gotten any other UPS reference #s?[/quote253931c5ac]
You're correct, I had no idea it was coming. I had assumed I was going to be screwed over, but my doorbell rang, and Brown was standing there at the door and I signed for it. I still didn't even know it was my iPod yet untill I saw the "From ACI" on the label.
I would venture to guess that this is the start of a new batch since it didn't ship out until yesterday; but that's just my guess.
09-11-2004 12:39:46
how would i check if i have shipped, just use the reference # as ups.com or something?
09-11-2004 12:49:51
I tried with the UPS reference number on UPS.com and it couldn't find anything. (
09-11-2004 12:50:55
[quote0cabc541d7="PeachFrost"]I tried with the UPS reference number on UPS.com and it couldn't find anything. ([/quote0cabc541d7]
same here.
09-11-2004 12:52:58
that ref # is no good for anyone but him...I tried it w/out a zip, just a country, and it pulled ONE match, in San Diego, so ups ref #'s must be unique, unlike FedEx.
09-11-2004 12:54:35
I still have my doubts.
09-11-2004 13:18:20
[quoteeb56e0e4ff="brywalker"]I still have my doubts.[/quoteeb56e0e4ff]
Doubts about what?
09-11-2004 13:18:54
[quote4968750e69="creanium"]I was a 10/13 (which is why I posted in the 10/13 thread, heh)
Shipped via UPS. It seems they're shipping from regional warehouses because mine shipped out of Elk Grove, CA and shipped out yesterday (I'm in San Diego).
Reference # 8015350516
Customer Purchase Order # 2025959123711
Shippers # 182577[/quote4968750e69]
Sorry... missed the UPS before from your first post...
The Purchase order number is the same as one of the Fedex reference numbers.
Also, that reference number is the same as someone else's UPS shipped freeipod.
Wish UPS had a way to track reference numbers.
its good news, but i wouldnt get too hopeful
does it say when the ipod was shipped? cause i'm gonna have to assume before this week.
09-11-2004 13:27:15
[quote31d419adaf="yeft"]its good news, but i wouldnt get too hopeful
does it say when the ipod was shipped? cause i'm gonna have to assume before this week.[/quote31d419adaf]
[quote31d419adaf="creanium"]I would venture to guess that this is the start of a new batch [b31d419adaf]since it didn't ship out until yesterday[/b31d419adaf]; but that's just my guess.[/quote31d419adaf]
09-11-2004 14:29:17
These last couple posts sound a bit promising, but I'm not holding my breath.
09-11-2004 15:57:46
my expected arrival date was today 10/9 but when i called fedex they said that it is stuck in sacramento , i live in the bay area, so they said it will arrive at my house on 10/11 not that bad i guess...
..ne one else have fedex shipping their iPOd?
09-11-2004 19:14:57
i live in bay area , too . i rather to have a tracking # so i can be home at that time
09-11-2004 19:17:55
Im in the bay area too, tell me if u guys find a tracking # or if u get ur ipod
09-11-2004 19:20:36
[quoted007db0c59="Goomp"]Im in the bay area too, tell me if u guys find a tracking # or if u get ur ipod[/quoted007db0c59]
i live in San Jose , where are you at ?
09-11-2004 21:32:27
I live in San Jose too! I'm 10/22, not getting my hopes up.
09-11-2004 23:05:11
09-11-2004 23:39:49
09-11-2004 23:51:45
heheh i'm all excited for you guys
pho bang
10-11-2004 15:05:49
im at sjsu.. but mine is shipping to oakland. its on the truck1!!1
i think it is by region at this point
10-11-2004 16:07:39
WHOOO HOOO Still STV GOT it today. Fedex From Elk grove, CA apple computer inc Except i'm confused. My ipod account says chris and i put in ship address to chris and they shipped it to christina?? anyway who cares I'm happy.
10-11-2004 16:09:56
[quote45eb022275="Da_KilLa"]WHOOO HOOO Still STV GOT it today. Fedex From Elk grove, CA apple computer inc Except i'm confused. My ipod account says chris and i put in ship address to chris and they shipped it to christina?? anyway who cares I'm happy.[/quote45eb022275]
In fact I'm not sure where they would get christina from???? mabye it was someone else? lol prob not.
10-11-2004 16:12:18
[quote69237426a0="Da_KilLa"]WHOOO HOOO Still STV GOT it today.[/quote69237426a0]
Right on... cool deal.
Waiting still...
10-11-2004 17:05:45
i got mine today a day before expected yeee haha its so cool!!! hope all you 10/13's get yours too
03-11-2005 17:16:20