Sony MDR-EX71SL earbuds...opinions please

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Mr Sofa Sets

21-10-2004 23:10:00

I just orderd these earbuds in white. I had to get them from overseas, they don't sell the white ones in the US for some reason. I've heard good things so far, anybody else know about these?

http//[" alt=""/img1683a241c7]


21-10-2004 23:10:34

look pretty sweet to me -D

how much did you pay?

Mr Sofa Sets

21-10-2004 23:25:12

$52 after shipping. I could have gotten the black ones from Amazon for cheaper, and I could have used my $10 infone GC. I guess I just can't resist the coolness that of the all white look ) I haven't even opened my earbuds that came with the iPod. I'm going to sell them on Ebay to help pay for my new earbuds. I've been listening to my iPod with some pretty nice Kenwood studio headphones. I should be getting the new Sonys tomorrow so I'll let you know what I think. I actually ordered them on Sunday night...the night before I received my Ipod... wink


21-10-2004 23:31:17

I ordered the exact pair from amazon although black Used my infone gift card. shipped today ordered 5 DAYS AGO. GRRRRR supposed to be here the 25-27 I'll Tell you then.

So sofa you got all 4 now? You get handbag yet?

Mr Sofa Sets

21-10-2004 23:43:52

I'm finished with all 4, but I still haven't received my handbag, or my flatscreen, the handbag is shipped, but I'm not sure about the flatscreen...I ordered the Toshiba combo, and the Burberry handbag.


22-10-2004 00:00:36

good luck I forgot to say I only paid 23.lili for them but their black. meh thats with free shipping and 10 infone orig 33.00


22-10-2004 04:01:26

For what it's worth. I've heard really good things about these, including killer reviews on . I'm about this (_) close to getting some myself.

Are the ipod phones all that bad? I'm waiting to see for myself. I haven't listened to a pod before, but my prediction is that it sounds pretty shitty because they're mp3's, and good phones like these will only amplify the shittiness.

Mr Sofa Sets

22-10-2004 05:55:20

[quote0fce541851="davidatfsu"]Are the ipod phones all that bad? I'm waiting to see for myself. I haven't listened to a pod before, but my prediction is that it sounds pretty shitty because they're mp3's, and good phones like these will only amplify the shittiness.[/quote0fce541851]

No, it's not the quality loss from MP3s that causes the Apple earphones to sound shitty. It is because the included earphones [u0fce541851]are[/u0fce541851] shitty. They're not that shitty, but it's worth replacing them for a better sounding, more comfortable pair.

[quote0fce541851="Da_KilLa"]good luck I forgot to say I only paid 23.lili for them but their black. meh thats with free shipping and 10 infone orig 33.00[/quote0fce541851]

Yeah, that is EXACTLY what I was going to do, but then I found out about the white ones and decided to go with them even though they cost more money. I got plenty of nice free stuff from Gratis so I don't feel bad about spending the extra $$$. The earbuds should be arriving today...


22-10-2004 10:47:19

go to they have LOTS of reviews, everything that you can imagine ;)


22-10-2004 10:53:07

but if you buy really good headphones you will hear the quality of the mp3 (lilike 200.00 ones) but if you encode an mp3 to like 32 kbps then they will probally sound shittier on the sony headphones than the ipod ones.


22-10-2004 11:09:54

yeah, the "nudes" as these sony's are often referred as, are good quality phones especially for the price ($30 at Amazon). People compare them to Shure E2c and Etymotics ER-6 (and ER-6i) earphones saying the quality is on par (especially depending on the "type" of music you listen to and how you like it) but the price is MUCH more attractive. Personally I went with the free Shure E2c's from freegiftplanet and quite frankly they are phenomenal. For $0 they are incredible in terms of isolation and detail. I really like the way they fit in the ear and the method of wrapping the cord over the ear for added security.

Anyway, I think the Sony's are nice and I might some day grab a pair of black ones from Amazon for cheap to really be able to see which I like more. For now, having to spend nothing took away one of the strongest arguments for the Sonys and I'm still equipped with superior earphones.

Mr Sofa Sets

22-10-2004 11:12:38

[quote0621055746="Da_KilLa"]but if you buy really good headphones you will hear the quality of the mp3 (lilike 200.00 ones) but if you encode an mp3 to like 32 kbps then they will probally sound shittier on the sony headphones than the ipod ones.[/quote0621055746]

That's true, but all of my MP3's are at least 128kbps and I'm trying to phase over all of my music to 192kbps. 192 is the "sweet spot" for an MP3 in my opinion.

I am currently listening to my iPod with a $150 set of Kenwood studio monitors. These are my favorite headphones right now, but they weigh about a pound and are HUGE. I can't walk around town like that so I ordered the stylish white Sonys. Supposedly they sound incredible and they're pretty cheap in comparison to some of the other things out there.

The thing is, I have been reading about "in-ear" earbuds and people seem to agree that the sound is head and shoulders above everything else due to the fact that they seal out all out side noise. The Sonys in particular get rave reviews. My Kenwood studio headphones are great, but still do not seal out all outside noise. I have a feeling that the Sonys are going to sound almost as good, or better than my Kenwoods because of the "in-ear" design.

Mr Sofa Sets

22-10-2004 11:18:44

[quoteca19d6f67c="mapStuart"]...Personally I went with the free Shure E2c's from freegiftplanet and quite frankly they are phenomenal.[/quoteca19d6f67c]

I am planning on getting a set of those as well from, but I haven't gotten around to it yet and I wanted a set of white earbuds (I'm not usually like this either) to match the iPod. The design of this iPod is incredible, but I have never been so anal retentive in my entire life )


22-10-2004 11:20:15

u should buy these http// hella sick ass bass, and their only $14.99 i already got these but my sister broke them so ill buy another pair when i get my ipod


22-10-2004 11:37:20

I have these. Got them from AudioCubes. At first I was disappointed. They were very comfortable but sounded tinny and harsh, with no bass (although very comfortable).

Then I changed the default medium-sized rubber pads for the large ones. Presto! Everything sounded far better.

So, make sure you've got a good fit with the most isolation possible. I find I insert them about 2/3 in, they sound best. I know I've got a good fit when I hear the least amount of outside noise.

I'd say these are a decent value without going to the Shures or Etymotics. I bet they're not as good, but you'll spend $100-$400 on the other units.

Negatives The cord without extension is very short. Only good for shirt-pocket/arm-band use. The extension cord is VERY long. Annoyingly so. They are quieter than most stock units -- need to turn up the volume more for the same sound level. Uneven cord length to R/L buds (is this a negative?)

Positives Decent sound for the money. Very comfortable. Decent sound isolation (don't get hit by a bus wearing these! You may not hear it coming.) Look pretty nice in white. Stay in ears well.

Mr Sofa Sets

22-10-2004 14:54:22

[quote31e12c1824="azcactus"]...Uneven cord length to R/L buds (is this a negative?) [/quote31e12c1824]

I've heard that the cords are different lengths from the right ear and left, could you please elaborate on this for me. I'm not sure that I understand, I heard one reviewer say it was because the cord is supposed to go behind your neck, but I still don't get why it would need uneven cord lengths.

I'm not worried about them being quieter than most earphones. This is usually a sign of higher quality drivers. My Kenwood Studio monitors require a significant amount of power, but it shows in the quality of the audio.


22-10-2004 17:10:17

I don't think it's to put it behind your head. The cords don't come out of the silver oval where the earbuds intersect the right way to do that.

I think it's so that the cord is aligned with a typical shirt pocket, to the left side of your body. So, that fits with the short cable that's just about the length from your ears to a shirt pocket.

http//[" alt=""/img6d914cc8a8]


22-10-2004 19:26:04

I own these and they are fucking awesome!

~The cord is supposed to go behind your neck, and that way you have the cord on one side instead of all lopsided!


22-10-2004 20:29:11

Black or White....... 29.99 vs amost 50

I think i will have to just get the black ones....


23-10-2004 04:05:13

For me I am trying the new sharp HP-MD33s. Some Ppl in, perfer them over the sony 71 /51, shure some ting - 4 ( spelling), and some other phone. I currently tried Sony 51sl, Aiwa HP-VX101, and my sony-V6. Detail wize will be V6>51sl>VX101. However, somehow VX101 can run louder than the 51sl. If u want to go for the $200 line u might as wel consider an Headphone amp for my phones. However there is some decient one which is easy to drive like the ATH 900. If u guys want more details about amps and phones, go to those two links I posted here. You will enter another level of audio enjoyment. One more link. This is a great store which import Japan's phone in low prize http//


23-10-2004 06:30:23

I got the sony 71's for 9.99 from Amazon. I used my infone GC and another $10 gift card i had. Should have them before my iPod gets christmas