16-09-2004 05:59:31
I had my cousin sign up as one of my refferals, and he claimed he did some credit check thing that helps you increase ur credit rating. I't been a few days now and I still have no green light.
I was looking at a list of all the offers there are on this other site (sorry I dont have the link) and I dont see it on there. Have any of you guys seen a 'credit check' offer on FreeIpods? ?
16-09-2004 12:14:17
I do not see it. But I do see a netflix offer, sweet.
16-09-2004 12:34:43
It's been on sporadically.
16-09-2004 12:57:40
i've never seen a credit check offer lishrugli
17-09-2004 10:14:12
Ok that's cool. I guess it's a rare one that shows up...either that or he lied to me about completing an offer. Anywho what sucks is that my other friend signed up for the GM card, and I'm kinda annoyed now cause that thing takes a week to go green.
DAmn they said be patient, but I want it now. (
17-09-2004 10:31:28
Most of us are on the same boat, just waiting...it sux, but then again, it's free ;)