21-10-2004 12:41:41
WOW NVC Logistics said no record but its here
21-10-2004 12:50:17
who's "they" and what did you order?
21-10-2004 12:51:29
You got your flatscreen? What did you order? I am a 10/13, hopefully I get mine today!
21-10-2004 15:19:09
http//users.adelphia.net/~chris60/images/DSC00763s.jpg[" alt=""/imgb28173d5b2]
I Ordered 10/04 STV 10/18 RCVD 10/21
Said on invoice call before delivery. They didn't. Fedex sent it. Invoice says Shipped from carson Logistics Center
carson ca 90810
weight 110 It says customer requested delivery date on 10/19/2004 but I never got a call. Oh well its amazing.
21-10-2004 15:27:00
Is it the FS120 or the FS320?
Mr Sofa Sets
21-10-2004 16:08:53
WOW, that's a beautiful sight! I'm also STV 10/18 so I hope I get mine soon. I ordered the Toshiba combo to go in my bedroom because I have a 40" CRT in my living room. I hope the picture on the Toshiba looks as good as the Sony in that picture. Congratulations!!
21-10-2004 16:39:13
Da Killa,
Congrats! I have same dates as you. Got a mail from Gratis today that I have been shipped but NVC Express has no record of my order.
Can you pls post fedex reference number. Maybe mine is fedex as well.
21-10-2004 18:00:01
NICE! Congrats man, yea I guess us SoCalers got first dibs for once! Bwahahaha! Mine was shipped NVC though, and they didn't call either (even though they said they'd give me an advanced warning...grrr). They just had two mexican dudes back a huge white liunmarkedli cargo truck up my driveway and almost rearend my garage. One of my neighbors kept looking, I think she was close to calling the cops before I showed up. lol