Blockbuster credit experience
18-08-2005 14:08:46
I was just curious how everyones experience with doing Blockbuster Online as an offer was. I've already seen ratetheoffers they seem to have good luck. I wanted to see what everyone on here has had.
I haven't had too good of luck ?
Blockbuster is a solid offer.
Its easy to get a hold of them if you need to, it is a genuinely useful service, and it doesn't cost much.
18-08-2005 14:58:54
agreed this was one of my most favorite offers
I love blockbuster I am going to use the service for along time. Fast shipping, tons of movies, and 2 in store rentals you cant beat that if you tryed and for only 9.99.
Yap, Jake right... i remember did blockbuster and used it for 4 month... one of the best offer of all...
18-08-2005 23:04:28
Yeah I'd reccommend it too. You can't beat it! It's an offer you actually get something you'd actually use.
19-08-2005 00:57:20
I know it's an awesome service. I've done it, did it on the 4th and haven't gotten credit yet.
[quote0b84420125="halfbreed"]I know it's an awesome service. I've done it, did it on the 4th and haven't gotten credit yet.[/quote0b84420125]
I had problems too with instant referrals, i think it's all about cookies or block pop-ups.
22-08-2005 09:42:29
[quote7a985a811a="halfbreed"]I was just curious how everyones experience with doing Blockbuster Online as an offer was. I've already seen ratetheoffers they seem to have good luck. I wanted to see what everyone on here has had.
I haven't had too good of luck ?[/quote7a985a811a]
I have 2 yellows that should be green - both have signed up for hte blockbuster offer and are still receiving their dvds... both are older than 3 weeks now.
I emailed Jake about not getting the credits since neither of my ref's can get customer service to answer their accounts. I haven't received a response from Jake as of yet.
What's going on?
I should be 8/8 on my photoipod by now - with a pending for good measure.
22-08-2005 09:44:10
[quote86de7c03b2="Pete"]Yap, Jake right... i remember did blockbuster and used it for 4 month... one of the best offer of all...[/quote86de7c03b2]
I love the way you talk
I still did not get credit for my blockbuster maybe i get credit when they get the dvds back from me?
23-08-2005 04:47:16
i had bad experience with this offer... i did it on some other freebie site tho... never got credit. but i bet if i'd done it with Gratis everything'd be fine.
23-08-2005 04:51:36
[quoteebca223b0e="JuG"]I still did not get credit for my blockbuster maybe i get credit when they get the dvds back from me?[/quoteebca223b0e]
No, you should have gotten credit by now. Try going to the Help section of the site (using IE, since the Help sections don't seem to like FireFox) and click on 'My issue is about receiving credit for an offer.' and then 'I completed an offer but did not get credit.' etc. until you see a contact form. Tell them what offer you did, paste the initial email that Blockbuster sent to you into the form and they should be able to check it and give you manual credit pretty quickly.
26-08-2005 04:44:16
Same here, I have 3 yellows on Blockbuster. All filled out 4 days ago.
26-08-2005 15:24:29
blockbuster is sucking for me...its been over a week!!
Yeah, these people seem to be taking some good time to credit people...
...and I'm one of them. D
26-08-2005 19:10:01
don't u get credit after they shipp ur dvd's to u?
[quote12df34596c="mpbollywoodking"]don't u get credit after they shipp ur dvd's to u?[/quote12df34596c]
Nope. I sent back one of their movies to confirm that I received them. I'm in no rush to be credited YET, though. I still have friends who need to be credited for doing the Wal-Mart card and such.
I wonder if Jake knows when Wal-Mart reports credits. Hmmm...
26-08-2005 22:50:08
well i enjoy the service a lot, but I am a bit frustrated that it is taking so long to credit. I'll have waited the good old 15 days here soon, but maybe Blockbuster will let Freepay know I did the offer before I have to ask for manual credit....we shall see.....
they have a great service, used for 2 months. however their crediting now since they have changed their policy is horrible.
28-08-2005 07:54:09
worked for me
28-08-2005 09:46:04
About a day after I got my first dvd's I got credit.
29-08-2005 16:47:49
I got credit manually! )