No Infone Credit after complaint... yet
20-10-2004 19:05:35
I have two referrals who did the infone offer for my flatscreen during that weekend when the infone offer was saying it would take 2-3 days to get credit. They waited fifteen days and complained on Monday, but no credit yet.
Anyone know how long it takes Gratis to give credit after a complaint has been filed on their website?
20-10-2004 19:18:50
Dunno, I was in the same boat. I just re-did the offer when they put it up again with Instant credit.
20-10-2004 19:19:44
did your friends use internet explorer? because i read somewhere that you won't get credit unless you use internet explorer. (please correct me if i'm wrong). this happened to me too except i was the one doing the offer for someone. i did it a few weeks ago and still haven't received credit. i gave up hope really.
20-10-2004 19:38:58
You have to send(cut and paste) your confirmation email= after you get the first auto-response. It is also helpful to forward it too after you get the first auto-response. It is also helpful to forward it too
20-10-2004 19:40:52
you will probably get put on hold for that since the second time you registered you were not a new customer. You should have just waited 15 days.
20-10-2004 21:26:07
why would he be put on hold? he didn't sign up with a new fipd account, just with infone
one of my referrals is in the same boat.
also emailed on monday with no response.. yet.
20-10-2004 21:49:59
Nice to hear i'm not alone... I used to swear by infone... but lately.... its been problematic.
21-10-2004 13:19:42
anyone get credit yet?
I filed a complaint monday.. still no reply.
Yesterday, since i didnt receive credit for the infone, I decided to do the offer which is instant. I then signed up and completed all the requirements - and guess what.
No credit for that one either (
please someone help!!@
21-10-2004 13:36:27
I waited a week for a Reply... They didn't replied after telling me to cut and paste the welcome email. So, I waited 7 days, no reply. And I Re-did the offer and got credit instantly )
now been 5 days since my referral emailed them.. (
I sent a message to Harry about this but never got a reply. (
22-10-2004 15:56:42
I'm having the same problem with boca java offer. I've been bugging this poor guy for weeks to go through the steps for manual credit. They sure don't make it easy. Worst part is he's my fifth referal.
23-10-2004 06:25:13
[quote4c02f56f65="Giovanni"]I waited a week for a Reply... They didn't replied after telling me to cut and paste the welcome email. So, I waited 7 days, no reply. And I Re-did the offer and got credit instantly )[/quote4c02f56f65]
Are you going to be put on hold?
Is it possible to be put on hold for doing the infone offer twice?
Can you use the same credit card?
23-10-2004 17:02:24
23-10-2004 17:37:31
Dunno, I'm STV )
23-10-2004 19:39:42
did you use the same credit card as you did when you first registered w/ infone
24-10-2004 20:59:51
come on Giovanni answer me!!
(in other words, this got to the second page so... BUMP!)
25-10-2004 11:51:45
I had two friends sign up on the 4th of October. One filled out the problems form to Gratis this weekend, so who knows when/if she will receive a response!
Anyone else notice that Infone isn't even listed as an offer when you fill out the questions/problems form??
27-10-2004 05:21:33
emlock...any word on your friends credit yet? I have two that were from 10/20 that have still not gotten credit....I think it is REDICULOUS that they will not address credit issues for the instant credit offers until 15 days have passed....because I guarantee you you aren't gonna get credit for infone until u complain if more than one day has's supposed to be instant!!!
27-10-2004 07:09:23
Gratis was actually pretty speedy with correcting the problem after my friend contacted them. She filled out the problem form, just chose "other" if Infone wasn't on the list. She submitted the form on Saturday and got a response on Monday morning asking her to forward Infone's confirmation email. By Tuesday we had both been awarded credit. Now I just need to get my other referral to do the same thing, and then find...ohhhh...three more referrals....
But I was pretty impressed with the way Gratis responded. Have people not been having the same luck?
27-10-2004 10:00:13
thanks em....I guess waiting 10 more days won't be so bad roll
27-10-2004 10:28:08
It has now been more than 25 days, and my referrals have still yet to be rewarded credit despite multiple complaints on mine and their parts.
I'm very unimpressed to say the least.
28-10-2004 09:00:17
email customer service and tell them you will go to BBB if no response soon.
31-10-2004 08:08:31
Just to keep you guys updated that have been worrying about infone like of my referals went green that signed up about a week ago, so maybe they are sifting through the infone signups.....I didn't even have to complain D of my other referals that signed up the same day on infone has still not gotten credit soooo....maybe it's a hit and miss kinda thing!