Wow gratis put my accounts on hold just for a fake document!
I can’t believe gratis put my accounts on hold!!! (
Good2speed reported my accounts to gratis with nasty documents, that I used multi accounts!
Now all my accounts on hold… I email gratis, but they don’t believe me.
I know 100% my referrals were legit, all my trades were done
1. I traded on
2. My friends and family helped me to get greens done.
Never signed under myself twice!
15-08-2005 07:55:53
[quote6d96c51f66="Pete"]I can’t believe gratis put my accounts on hold!!! (
Good2speed reported my accounts to gratis with nasty documents, that I used multi accounts!
Now all my accounts on hold… I email gratis, but they don’t believe me.
I know 100% my referrals were legit, all my trades were done
1. I traded on
2. My friends and family helped me to get greens done.
Never signed under myself twice![/quote6d96c51f66]
Pete was one of the first people I traded with, he is a good trader. He got me a ref for FreePSPs and it was fine, I know he uses his friends, co-workers, etc. to get refs and they have always been valid. Never had a problem, never seen him with multiple accounts. That was pretty messed up good2speed
[quoted9e94578c6="gregcool"][quoted9e94578c6="Pete"]I can’t believe gratis put my accounts on hold!!! (
Good2speed reported my accounts to gratis with nasty documents, that I used multi accounts!
Now all my accounts on hold… I email gratis, but they don’t believe me.
I know 100% my referrals were legit, all my trades were done
1. I traded on
2. My friends and family helped me to get greens done.
Never signed under myself twice![/quoted9e94578c6]
Pete was one of the first people I traded with, he is a good trader. He got me a ref for FreePSPs and it was fine, I know he uses his friends, co-workers, etc. to get refs and they have always been valid. Never had a problem, never seen him with multiple accounts. That was pretty messed up good2speed[/quoted9e94578c6]
As gratis Think i scammed them, with fraud of cc and ip address.
ALL i was doing is trading, my gilfriend and sister help me with thier cc and thier computer, i think 95% from Forum does it! But gratis believe in on silly aim document then my account. I was building my accounts for 5 month. without multi account (
15-08-2005 08:34:52
Note to self Never talk to good2speed or trade with him.
On a lighter note, I've done tons of referal trades with Pete over AIM and what not. He's finished sites for me and never got DQed or anything. Gratis putting his accounts on hold is a bunch of BS, I don't believe these lies for a second.
15-08-2005 08:52:24
15-08-2005 09:17:53
Looks like you deserved it Pete
From what I have seen, good2speed has more credibility than Pete does.
15-08-2005 09:54:09
[quote75b880b9f8="Jake"]From what I have seen, good2speed has more credibility than Pete does.[/quote75b880b9f8]
15-08-2005 09:56:01
just because of my friends and my girlfriend were doing me a favor to do someone referral, i'm on hold?
pete is a good guy i've done many trades with him and he always came through for me, he shouldnt be on hold for this. (
If he has conned us, then the hold is justified.
[quote16f303aa81="Jake"]If he has conned us, then the hold is justified.[/quote16f303aa81]
I didn't scam gratis policy, All i was doing is askimg my co workers, friends and my gf to do referrals for me. 97% of does it.
All i can tell, Gratis didn't find me as a scammer, just because of good2speed reported me to gratis they put me on hold.
it's not right, i could do his referral if he would give me time, all i was need it just time to ask my gf to do his referral. Just time that she could do his referral (
Just because of that, all my accounts on hold, it can happen to anyone.
hurts the most !!!! I DID NOT SCAM OR FRAUD!!! cry all i can tell,
15-08-2005 10:50:27
welcome to the club pete.
15-08-2005 11:25:18
I also have traded with Pete, and it went just fine. Hate to see this happen to a +42 trader that still posts and is active in the scene. (
I know the way Pete talks could get him in trouble, but I know he means well.
[quoteea217b65db="ajrock2000"]I also have traded with Pete, and it went just fine. Hate to see this happen to a +42 trader that still posts and is active in the scene. (
I know the way Pete talks could get him in trouble, but I know he means well.[/quoteea217b65db]
Yap i know, do 40trades so far so good. just one guy didn't like to wait for my gf to do his referral.
Good2speed, how come anyone did not report your ref link or reported you to Jake? Why did you post silly show off that i told you, i could say i kill bush last night... would you post it too???
read something about youself!
1) http//
2) http//
3) http//
Thank god i was not on that scam list! not even once... and u just reported me with s#$#ty note i told you?))) god what a "MAN"
15-08-2005 13:03:17
Jake, i would like to offer my 2 cent upon this sistuation.
Good2speed has not held the cleanest record here, he has been accused of scamming on several occasions, Pete here has never created a problem and has obtained a trade record of well over 40. I think that alone should be justification that hes legit. I may not have personally spoken to him, but he seems like a good guy.
Another issue that i would like addressed would be Theysayjumps, he apperently got his freedesktoppc on hold, though this was due to donaldpaul getting placed on hold, if possible could you un-hold Jump's account and let him obtain another referral. Many of us know TheySayJump and we can all vounch for him, he is one of nicer members here, and from my conversations with Jump he has shown his legitness. I think other members such as Stroid, J4320, EatChex, Collateral would all be willing to vouch for him. All i ask is you reconsider his account.
15-08-2005 14:29:31
I guess it's off topic but I agree about TSJ, he has always been one of the nicest guys here, always advocates following gratis rules, and it seems unfair that he is still on hold because one of his refs went gray. I always thought this would've been resolved long ago so I was a bit surprised...
15-08-2005 15:33:48
i appreciate both of you putting in a good word for me, but my hold isnt because of donaldpaul3. initially i thought it was, but after speaking to Jake and sending in a CS ticket, i was told it was because i had several accounts on
this is partly true, but if you read my very 1st post on this forum back in february, it was asking about what i should do. so once again..........i signed up without reading the rules. its my fault i know, but i had/have no intentions of scamming anyone or any site. so my family and my wife said they would help, i referred my wife who lives with me (cos i didnt read the rules), made seperate e-mails for my family members cos they thought it was a scam and didnt want to be spammed etc.
after i found out that i was basically fucked, i started asking what i should do, and if you read my 1st few posts on here, they all add up. i signed up under someone else here, made a support ticket and was told as long as i dont use the other account ill be fine. in the middle of april i got my shuffle and in the middle of may i got my ipod. then i was told that i was on hold for having several accounts on freeipods.
the only question i would like answered is why wasnt this a problem before i had already recieved 2 gifts?
i dont expect this to change anything, as ive already tried myself, but believe me i would love it if it did change something. im just telling my side of the story publicly and if anyone thinks i deserve the hold then thats fine. im not here to scam, im not here to scam sites, ive kept every part of every trade ive had here, and if i wanted to scam, i would'nt have stayed around this long.
thanks for the support though guys, i honestly appreciate it!
[quoteacc1885284="hehehhehe"]I guess it's off topic but I agree about TSJ, he has always been one of the nicest guys here, always advocates following gratis rules, and it seems unfair that he is still on hold because one of his refs went gray. I always thought this would've been resolved long ago so I was a bit surprised...[/quoteacc1885284]
I have spoken with TSJ several times and he seems like a nice guy.
However, the decision to place him on hold and keep him there was not mine to make. I have already said my piece to the people in charge but their decision stands.
Ultimately, I did what I could for TSJ but it didn't change anything in the end.
As for Pete, talking sauce got you into trouble. Perhaps you can avoid doing so from now on. I'll see what I can do for you but I won't make any promises.
[quoteeb76037aac="Jake"][quoteeb76037aac="hehehhehe"]I guess it's off topic but I agree about TSJ, he has always been one of the nicest guys here, always advocates following gratis rules, and it seems unfair that he is still on hold because one of his refs went gray. I always thought this would've been resolved long ago so I was a bit surprised...[/quoteeb76037aac]
I have spoken with TSJ several times and he seems like a nice guy.
However, the decision to place him on hold and keep him there was not mine to make. I have already said my piece to the people in charge but their decision stands.
Ultimately, I did what I could for TSJ but it didn't change anything in the end.
As for Pete, talking sauce got you into trouble. Perhaps you can avoid doing so from now on. I'll see what I can do for you but I won't make any promises.[/quoteeb76037aac]
cool, thanks for support Jake.

http//[" alt=""/imgeb76037aac]
16-08-2005 11:35:00
[quote97b7ac8cc5="Jake"][quote97b7ac8cc5="hehehhehe"]I guess it's off topic but I agree about TSJ, he has always been one of the nicest guys here, always advocates following gratis rules, and it seems unfair that he is still on hold because one of his refs went gray. I always thought this would've been resolved long ago so I was a bit surprised...[/quote97b7ac8cc5]
I have spoken with TSJ several times and he seems like a nice guy.
However, the decision to place him on hold and keep him there was not mine to make. I have already said my piece to the people in charge but their decision stands.
Ultimately, I did what I could for TSJ but it didn't change anything in the end.
As for Pete, talking sauce got you into trouble. Perhaps you can avoid doing so from now on. I'll see what I can do for you but I won't make any promises.[/quote97b7ac8cc5]
thats all you had to say Jake, i did ask questions but got no reply. i didnt know it was an over-your-head decision that kept me on hold.
like i said i dont expect this to change anything, but i just wanted to get my side of story out there, since people were thinking its cos of donalpaul3. i told the truth about what happened with my account/accounts and theres not much more i can do. (
but thanks for the response nonetheless.
16-08-2005 13:39:08
[1625] rllpk hey g2s
[1625] rllpk can u please post on http//
ok If you really want me to. How this topic turned over to object my trading practices is astonishing. Remember Pete this is about you and what you said and did and has nothing to do with me. Now lets turn to
Think you clearly state in your aim conversation that you used 4 diff ips and cc's to signup thereby creating multiple accounts plus you asked me ridiculous questions like whether 255.255.255 would be a good ip to use. Your speech clearly states that you were creating multiple accounts. Not saying if it was true or not but you said it so why wont we belive it. Plus I didnt coerce you to say anything you did so willingly. If I was Jake I wouldnt even be concerned with g2s legitimacy since youve already agreed that it was you in those conversations and that I did not alter the text and what you wrote is what happened. All Jake has to do is look at what you wrote and decide for himself whther that constitues fraud or not. If I had to look at it from an outside perspective Id also say that you were frauding gratis.
Now once again lets remember that this thread has nothing to do with me. Whether Im a good or bad trader is irrelevant. What is important however is whether or not your frauding this company. Now since youve admitted that it was you in those text conversations.. How do you get yourself out of this mess. The having my friends and family/ gf do your referrals was a good start and cop out. But lets all remember again to your conv where you admitted to creating mult accounts yourself.
I already reached my verdict. Just look at the text its all there. Whether you want to reinstate Pete or not is up to you Jake.
Im done here
edit just to be precise in the text
[1920] TENTHEVES ahh cool
[1921] TENTHEVES you all have 5 different offices in your area.
[1921] TENTHEVES Thats sweet for doing referrals
[1921] rllpk i wanna ask u
[1921] TENTHEVES sup?
[1921] rllpk i have 3 box of ip the same just 4 box is different
[1922] rllpk u think they will fuck it up?
[1922] rllpk let's say
[1922] rllpk so second pc would be
[1922] rllpk u think they will dq?
[1922] TENTHEVES hmm not sure
[1923] TENTHEVES how long have you been creating mult accounts
[1923] rllpk ya so that's why i use 4 cc 1, each office
[1924] TENTHEVES how many times have you signed up for freepsps already?
[1927] rllpk once
[1927] rllpk but mult account i used for my self
[1927] rllpk digital cam
[1927] rllpk and i got it
[1928] rllpk 6 weeks ago
As i told, it was silly show off, and i didn't use multi accounts. The true is my gf, co workers and friends did, do and will help me with referrals. I do not use their cc myself, all i was doing is sent them my link to sign up under my referrals. 101% OF THIS FORUM DOES IT. I know it was way stupid of my side to say stupid things about cc and ips that i never did.
I did all my freebies site legit without any fraud or scam and i trade on this forum without scamming! Good2speed please update trades... i requested TR. Thank you and Sorry for miss understanding.
17-08-2005 10:17:45
Couldnt leave this one alone. Pete your so full of contradictions its unbelievable. In the logs that I distributed we had an argument where you said you couldnt do my referral right away because my friend did yours and that you couldnt trust my friend. LOl. Well then since its now obvious that you werent doing my referral and it was your gf how the hell was I suppose to trust you. Amazing how you get caught in your own lies. Let me document to elaborate.
[2144] TENTHEVES bc you agreed to signup at the same time
[2144] rllpk i turst u
[2144] TENTHEVES forgot already
[2144] rllpk not ur fag friend
[2144] TENTHEVES fag friend?
[2144] rllpk dont' know ur friend
[2144] rllpk u didn't do it even
[2144] rllpk he did it
[2144] TENTHEVES i dont know you
[2144] rllpk lol
[2144] rllpk man
[2144] rllpk i'm pete from forum
[2144] rllpk and ur friend is no one on forum
Oh and this is interesting as well. Some original text I left out of the conversation. Looks like you clearly implicate yourself by stating that you were using other people cc's to signup on gratis sites. Now if this doesnt constitute at the very least a walkthrough Im sure it qualifies as creating multiple accounts and using a false identity. Pete your a walking lie Just stop talking the more you say the more info I have on you to prove your contradicting yourself. The avalanche is rolling down the hill and theres nothing you can do to stop it. [/size645c94a7c5][/color645c94a7c5]
1941] TENTHEVES hmm
[1941] TENTHEVES I know shoppers advantage credits exceptionally well
[1941] rllpk simple escape gos 2-7days
[1941] TENTHEVES havent had a bad expericne with that one
[1941] rllpk i did that too
[1941] rllpk but still i can do it again
[1941] rllpk different cc
[1942] rllpk man if i could f use all cc for my self i would
[1942] rllpk i did for flatsreen
[1942] TENTHEVES are the names on the cc different
[1942] rllpk 4 needed 4 more
[1942] rllpk f godsdog red(
[1942] rllpk and 3 other yellow
[1942] rllpk ya
[1942] rllpk one is russian girl, second is my sis, then spanish co worker, then my cousin from vegas
[1942] rllpk my sister under her husbend name
[1942] TENTHEVES Ill tell my friend to do realrhapsody
[1943] rllpk so there is no prob, i did them all for my self,
[1943] rllpk i did that
[1943] rllpk can't do it any more
[1943] rllpk realrphpsody all 4 taken[/size645c94a7c5]
i just don't get it, I paid you for referral your friend did to me as you asked..., and you still trying to drown me down. How nice of you. x
I love how my karma went down 11 points after all of this.
18-08-2005 11:45:52
[quote91af33b3cf="Jake"]I love how my karma went down 11 points after all of this.[/quote91af33b3cf]
Well sorry to bring you to all this trouble. Everyone give Jake +Kma
gave to Jake +karma, too.
guys, just love you )
18-08-2005 11:49:32
[quote49cf47b4b6="Jake"]I love how my karma went down 11 points after all of this.[/quote49cf47b4b6]
We still love you Jake!
No worries.
Its not a big deal for me. But thank you anyway! )
18-08-2005 12:42:18
We certainly appreciate your attention to our concerns. )
[quote649382946c="Jake"]I do my best.[/quote649382946c]
Jake how you do your best? You put my account on hold... but i think you are just not fair to my accounts and me!!! 100% you know i didn't do any scam with, And you still saying; arrow (
Your account is on indefinite hold.
22-08-2005 10:48:55
welll i dont think its up to Jake to put accounts on hold, he is just here as a Gratis (freepay) rep. he didnt put my accounts on hold but he just investigated it, at least from a FIPG view anyway.
Jkae has said in this thread that he did all he could for me being on hold, but the decision was above his head. if he tells you that they are on indefinite hold, then complaining to him wont do any good about it. (
[quote45e7ca952a="theysayjump"]welll i dont think its up to Jake to put accounts on hold, he is just here as a Gratis (freepay) rep. he didnt put my accounts on hold but he just investigated it, at least from a FIPG view anyway.
Jkae has said in this thread that he did all he could for me being on hold, but the decision was above his head. if he tells you that they are on indefinite hold, then complaining to him wont do any good about it. ([/quote45e7ca952a]
Ya i see it now, thanks man...
Thank you Jake for help.
I guess Mod can lock this thread.
good2speed for your ass i can tell one thing. you are bitch! Brother one day you will get same shit u did to me! evil