09-08-2005 06:39:40
So, my first request failed, 2 non-unique, but i didn't know them, and i didn't get put on hold for it. So a little foot work, and here we go, my second request for approval!!!!
09-08-2005 09:37:00
Yeah good luck. So you got 2 greens from people you didn't even talk to?
09-08-2005 10:25:50
Good luck with this approval. )
I requested approval about a week ago at freeflatscreen and had one disqualified. I just requested again yesterday so my fingers are crossed!
10-08-2005 13:00:28
So i requested my second approval Monday night (august 8th) and IT CLEARED TODAY (Wed, aug 10, 4PM)!!! My order is currently processing! Not even 2 full days!!! Go Gratis!
10-08-2005 15:02:35
Best of luck, hard work always pays off.
10-08-2005 15:05:15
[quote448ab77fb8="noojerz"]Best of luck, hard work always pays off.[/quote448ab77fb8]
He doesn't need luck anymore lol. He's approved. Look ^^^ D