19-10-2004 20:37:01
Is everyone that shipped today still "At local FedEx facility " when someone's changes post here, lets keep track of these, and hope they don't send them back also.
anyone know what's the difference in time from china and pacific time?
19-10-2004 20:39:34
Yeah, the local time in China is...tomorrow.
19-10-2004 20:41:19
[quote2873297dcf="MusicMan"]Yeah, the local time in China is...tomorrow.[/quote2873297dcf]
lol for real, 24 hour diffrence? is this possible?
19-10-2004 20:43:13
its +12hr from eastern standard time
19-10-2004 20:47:45
so it 1148 , and they start working at 12 right?
19-10-2004 21:41:33
im "at local fedex facility" as of oct. 19th 1130pm
guys, let's plray they actually ship this time!!
19-10-2004 21:42:56
Come on people, what is that scary about "At local FedEx facility"??!? FedEx uses a different tracking system, than most of the other companies. They also seem to be slower in updating the statuses, so be patient, it is coming, most likely without being sent back.
19-10-2004 22:47:12
yep, im chillin at the local fedex facility as well. Someone wake everyone up in shanghai and tell em to get on their horse and get it over to Mass. -D lol
edit lol PHBS looks like you got stv same time as me, almost exactly. were you switched to 9/15 later as well? and are you in this recent mixup batch thats apparently re-sent? bored and wondering..peace