19-10-2004 17:22:55
I was just wondering if anyone that picked the HPod right off the bat has shipped recently. That is did you get a Apple within the last week or two. Im a 9/15 that chose the Hpod and im worried that it may have made my wait longer.
19-10-2004 17:23:33
ALOT of ppl that switch already shiped and got their apple, a couple ppl that picked a HP from the begining already got their aple ipod
19-10-2004 17:25:18
Was just wondering if anyone that picked the Hpod first and never switched got it, Not anyone that picked the apple and switched to Hp.
19-10-2004 17:30:28
<-9/15..selected hPod from the get-go. i started a new post, because i have infact shipped today.
http//[" alt=""/img0e6d9382b3]
I was STV 9/27, then immediately switched to the hPod. Then my STV date changed to 10/6. I'm shipped now (10/19), and getting an APPLE iPod (they're shipping faster).