Info on Ipods Shipped.

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19-10-2004 15:22:29

Not sure if this is news to anyone, but here goes

The 20 gig unit I got was a "mac" one that needed to be formated for use with my windows machine, and the USB and Firewire cable isn't the double split cable that has one ipod connector on one side, and a firewire and USB 2.0 on the other. They give you one firewire cable, and one USB2 cable. I found this pretty cool. A side note is that the earbuds are just plain bad. They sound so horrible and muddy.

Side note How the hell are there waterspots on the back of my Ipod case already? It hasn't even left my desk yet.


19-10-2004 15:25:06

All iPods are formatted for Mac.


19-10-2004 15:25:09

[quote5d2b41acb2]Side note How the hell are there waterspots on the back of my Ipod case already? It hasn't even left my desk yet.[/quote5d2b41acb2]

It shipped 9/3 and you write 10/19, I assumed it traveled by boat, that's where the waterspots are coming from lol


19-10-2004 15:26:23

[quoteced099e08c="l0th"][quoteced099e08c]Side note How the hell are there waterspots on the back of my Ipod case already? It hasn't even left my desk yet.[/quoteced099e08c]

It shipped 9/3 and you write 10/19, I assumed it traveled by boat, that's where the waterspots are coming from lol[/quoteced099e08c]

9/3 is the date that never gets updated. I think that was the date given to me when it was in the "IP3" category.


19-10-2004 15:31:22

[quote60b352074c]9/3 is the date that never gets updated. I think that was the date given to me when it was in the "IP3" category.[/quote60b352074c]

I know, I know. I was just joking around. I'm a 10/13 stv, so I might have a long time to spend around here you know...


19-10-2004 16:51:50

If you're a 10/13, you should get yours in a few weeks. Gratis is ordering directly from apple, which is pretty fast.


19-10-2004 17:22:59

Side note How the hell are there waterspots on the back of my Ipod case already? It hasn't even left my desk yet.[/quotee0da280353]

That happens when you format it with windows.. um wait for the update. lol

either that or you were drooling on it.