19-10-2004 15:11:24
How do I tell if I have usb 2.0 or just plain old usb?
19-10-2004 15:17:08
post the specs of your computer that you know, i can proboly tell you. if you are on XP, you need SP1 to enable it or SP4 for win2000
19-10-2004 15:19:01
I checked from my system folder I just have usb 1.1 What should I do to connect my ipod? I need usb 2.0 or firewire. Do I have to buy a card or can I download something or what? THanks. I have xp
19-10-2004 15:36:17
[bc6aa30a977]Q[/colorc6aa30a977] Does the iPod Work with USB 1.1?[/bc6aa30a977]
[bc6aa30a977]A[/colorc6aa30a977][/bc6aa30a977] Yes it does, though Apple does not recommend it. They do not give a reason other than the fact that it will be extremely slow. You should remember that the iPod will be active for much longer periods of time when uploading, so additional wear and tear (and possibly heat build up) could be the reason why Apple recommends against this. It is probably best therefore to upload small batches of files at a time to the iPod using a USB 1.1 connection.
Note that FireWire cards and USB 2.0 cards are very cheap and are a better alternative to USB 1.1 over the long term.
19-10-2004 15:37:54
You don't HAVE to have USB 2.0. You can use 1.1, but it will be extremely slow. You can pickup a 2-port firewire at bestbuy/compusa/yourlocalelectronicsstore for about $20. Probably cheaper now, I bought one a year ago at that price.
19-10-2004 18:17:19
i have a P4, 1.7 (i think)
it has an msi motherboard.
umm yeah,
and a geforce 4
19-10-2004 18:39:48
dude get the dell dimension at fdpc and you'll be read to go, it comes with 4 usb 2.0 ports, haha
19-10-2004 19:43:26
19-10-2004 21:03:53
ya there ya go. or you could get the usb 2+firewire card for like 5 bucks more