19-10-2004 07:27:04
I just called fedex to confirm and it is comming to my address. Shipped over the night.
19-10-2004 07:33:29
i hate gratis. they can stick their ipods up their asses
Diam0nd City
19-10-2004 07:41:19
i hope you die in your sleep bitch.
19-10-2004 07:57:42
ROFL!!! comedy. gold. li
lithis not to say its funny that you all didnt get your pods. it quite sucks, in fact. rather, its your [i075509a784]reactions[/i075509a784] that are hilarious.
19-10-2004 10:20:04
daveyiv is a fucking loser!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
19-10-2004 11:01:04
[quote3527dce9cf="gchild320"]daveyiv is a fucking loser!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/quote3527dce9cf]
But he's got an ipod and you don't
tee hee
I'm 9/27 STV, then 10/6 STV again, shipped today...
19-10-2004 12:32:22
Oh geez. I'm just getting pissy now. I'm 9/15 and haven't shipped. Several people, including a few Augusts, before me haven't shipped. What the hell???
I hope some of the people here didn't see the thread started by that guy who was a 10/13 stv and got shipped today... I kinda hope the guy's just lying.