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Mr Sofa Sets

18-10-2004 16:13:25

If you had your accounts hacked, it may be too late to get your free ipod, but it is NEVER too late for a little revenge! I have a family member that works for a company that basically buys tons of information about everybody. If anyone can get me this guys name I can find out a [u4695c5328c][b4695c5328c]LOT[/color4695c5328c][/b4695c5328c][/u4695c5328c] of information about him. I'm not talking about anything illegal here, but with the right information, we can really screw with this guy.....[u4695c5328c]and document it all on this very forum for our amusement![/u4695c5328c]

MODS I guess I am asking you if this is OK at the same time. If you think it's a bad idea, you can shut it down. If you like the idea, you can help by giving me his name if he actually was dumb enough to use it when he registered.

This is just an idea, but I think it's a good one. This guy seems to have used his real email address so maybe he used his real name somewhere too. Please let me know what you think, or post if you have any useful info on this guy.


18-10-2004 19:08:48

That's actually a good idea, he stole my fipg account. I'd like to see this loser kid get screwed over.


18-10-2004 19:28:43

I think this is a great idea... but the only way we can get the info is probably through gratis, and they probably wont help us.


18-10-2004 19:30:25

Who is stealing people's accounts? If you were dumb enough to give out your password or download a keylogger of some sort, you probably deserve to be "hacked".


18-10-2004 19:36:36

[quotec97e2347b5="TaterSalad"]Who is stealing people's accounts? If you were dumb enough to give out your password or download a keylogger of some sort, you probably deserve to be "hacked".[/quotec97e2347b5]


18-10-2004 19:37:48

I seriously did not know what I was doing, I am well aware of all the stupid spyware and keyloggers and crap.

I was kind of clicking away thinking "yeah, ipod, ipods are cool, when's mine gonna ship, durr i'll click this." So yeah, I wasn't really thinking.

I don't think he could've made it more obvious that it was a fucking virus/trojan/keylogger or whatever...

I bet this kid is just some ugly loser with no life anyway, he can have my fipg account, it's not like you can't make a new one in 5 minutes.


18-10-2004 19:48:49

can someone please give more information about what to look for incase it hasn't happened to me but in case it happens to some other person or for people who can use caution by knowing what to look for


18-10-2004 20:18:11

[quote575ec6abf2="TaterSalad"]Who is stealing people's accounts? If you were dumb enough to give out your password or download a keylogger of some sort, you probably deserve to be "hacked".[/quote575ec6abf2]

True true


18-10-2004 20:24:51

revenge, eh?

I WANT IN! evil

Mr Sofa Sets

18-10-2004 20:59:56

Well come on then people, lets get some info on him. He has a Geocities website, he used his real email, he is registered on this very forum....there has to be a way to get some info on this kid! If I can get his name, I can probably narrow the matches down to him by the age alone. I have a feeling that this kid's young.


18-10-2004 21:08:43

Someone please explain what happened.


18-10-2004 21:16:11

[quotea38a41627e="Mr Sofa Sets"]Well come on then people, lets get some info on him. He has a Geocities website, he used his real email, he is registered on this very forum....there has to be a way to get some info on this kid! If I can get his name, I can probably narrow the matches down to him by the age alone. I have a feeling that this kid's young.[/quotea38a41627e]

Contact his isp, which is verizon. His isp email= is is and you take legal actions on him if you wanted.


18-10-2004 21:22:46

explain what the fuck happened. dammit


18-10-2004 21:26:42

Unless that Email address is stolen.


18-10-2004 21:38:53

Yeah a person that actually takes the time to steal accounts would probably be smarter than to use his actual ISP email address, it probably was stolen.

And to all the jerks saying that the people who accidentally clicked on his stupid link deserve to be 'hacked', fuck off.


18-10-2004 21:56:18

[quote7c163d5865="joeman957"]Yeah a person that actually takes the time to steal accounts would probably be smarter than to use his actual ISP email address, it probably was stolen.

And to all the jerks saying that the people who accidentally clicked on his stupid link deserve to be 'hacked', fuck off.[/quote7c163d5865]

umm.. hes just a fucking script kiddie. Don't worry he used that for the gratis sites and it is his real email addy, trust me on this.


18-10-2004 21:59:19

Nobody has explained what the fuck happened yet. You are all bitches.


18-10-2004 22:00:27

o ok, i was just remembering this article from about this script kiddie attacking his website with liek 400 zombie computers. Some in the US mostly from Europe. Then him and the kid did soem email chatting and the kid used a stolen email address.

BTW I reported this kid to Gratis, on free > Help/Faq theres a option > [u989912f528]I would like to report an instance of someone violating Gratis Internet's Terms & Conditions[/u989912f528], I stated what happened and reported this script kiddie.


18-10-2004 22:31:23

[quote3fe72e13d6="iiViiIiiRiiUiiSii"]o ok, i was just remembering this article from about this script kiddie attacking his website with liek 400 zombie computers. Some in the US mostly from Europe. Then him and the kid did soem email chatting and the kid used a stolen email address.

BTW I reported this kid to Gratis, on free > Help/Faq theres a option > [u3fe72e13d6]I would like to report an instance of someone violating Gratis Internet's Terms & Conditions[/u3fe72e13d6], I stated what happened and reported this script kiddie.[/quote3fe72e13d6]

his am sn is the same name as his email. So im sure it's not stolen. He prolly some 12 year old who wanks off every 5 five minutes.

Mr Sofa Sets

18-10-2004 22:34:23

[quote7de7966950="xyclonez"]Contact his isp, which is verizon. His isp email= is is and you take legal actions on him if you wanted.[/quote7de7966950]

No, I don't want to take legal actions. He didn't do anything to me. I just want to help the people that DID get screwed over exact their revenge on the bastard.


18-10-2004 23:26:34

[quoteabaf9228c8="xyclonez"] So im sure it's not stolen. He prolly some 12 year old who wanks off every 5 five minutes.[/quoteabaf9228c8]
lol lol lol


18-10-2004 23:35:21

[quote76e6dc4040="joeman957"]And to all the jerks saying that the people who accidentally clicked on his stupid link deserve to be 'hacked', fuck off.[/quote76e6dc4040]

Yeah, I mean.... lilookli how she was dressed!



19-10-2004 20:11:06

Oh my god, this fucker has taken 28 dollars from my account four times on Oct 17.

I have just called paypal to resolve this, how the hell do I stop this bitch?

(I am dead serious)

It was just my luck to be that fucking stupid and click his goddamn link, I don't even trust some of my friends when they give me links over AIM, and I double clicked a random exe file.

Can someone help me out here? I installed Zone Alarm Pro.


19-10-2004 20:23:22

[quote4388ff42ce="joeman957"]Oh my god, this fucker has taken 28 dollars from my account four times on Oct 17.

I have just called paypal to resolve this, how the hell do I stop this bitch?

(I am dead serious)

It was just my luck to be that fucking stupid and click his goddamn link, I don't even trust some of my friends when they give me links over AIM, and I double clicked a random exe file.

Can someone help me out here? I installed Zone Alarm Pro.[/quote4388ff42ce]

if he has done so then you can simply file a claim, now it must be much easier to track him down...if i were you i would sue his motherfuckin ass so bad!