18-10-2004 16:13:21
What do i do... It says i can switch products and the HP 20 gig is no longer available. (this is the one i have selected) Should I just leave it, or switch to the normal apple?
18-10-2004 16:17:56
anyone else with this problem? Plllleeeeeeeeaaaaassseeeeeee aaaaaaannnnnnnsswwwwwweeeeeeeerrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
18-10-2004 16:19:11
you just posted the thread 4 minutes ago, chill
18-10-2004 16:54:15
If memory serves, selecting the HP just gets you one if one is available, else you would get the Apple as though you had selected Apple. So, whichever you pick would probably have no effect. However, on the off-chance that they would distribute HPs again, you could possibly get one faster.
Though probably this won't happen and your choice won't make a difference.
18-10-2004 19:52:20
Yeah but the HP option is gone, and it doesn't show that I've selected anything. Although, it still shows that I ordered the Hp iPod (If available) So it should be ok...
18-10-2004 19:53:51
If it worries you that much go ahead and hit the apple.
18-10-2004 19:55:14
No, because then they will have to re-order which will take longer cry
18-10-2004 20:10:37
If it worries you that much then go ahead and don't hit the apple.
I would not think they would have to reorder, however, I could be wrong.
Also for someone who wants answers so bad you sure seem to have things already figured out.
Greasy Hamburger
18-10-2004 20:10:54
Almost everybody switched to the HP ipod when the option came available and people are starting to recieve their ipods which weren't HPs they were the normal apples. In my opinion it doesn't matter.
19-10-2004 06:03:44
Its better now. It automatically switched me to normal apple.