15-09-2004 18:20:43
My friend is going to do this in a few minutes. How long does it take to get credit and has it ever not given anyone credit?
15-09-2004 18:28:25
DON'T do it. It can cost up to $100 or more...
15-09-2004 18:29:35
he plans on cancelling right after it goes green...how does it get over 100 dollars? my brother did that offer for his friend.
when will it go green?
15-09-2004 18:32:06
like 3-5 days i think. It goes over 100 bucks because you get some dvds for free, if you buy some. It's like "get 15 dvd's free,but you have to buy 15 more later"
15-09-2004 18:32:24
umm...looks like you didn't read the contract...you have to buy like 5 dvds at normal $25 price over the next 2 years...that offer can't be just cancelled
15-09-2004 18:32:24
Omg. you guys gotta actually be interested in the offer. The Coulumbia DVD offer, that I have a membership to by the way, is non-cancelable. You get 5 dvd's for 49 cents but then ur required to buy 4 more dvds at regular club price in the next couple years. There DVD's Aren't Cheap. Well I can't say that about all of them.
15-09-2004 18:33:13
Lol, we think alike. Im just a faster thinker ;)
15-09-2004 18:33:18
hehe u guys beat me to it lol
15-09-2004 18:34:28
nah...it's just i'm playing ps2 and not paying much attention to this ;)
15-09-2004 18:36:51
oh well. i just wont tell my referer that. haha i'm so bad. he's my friend too.
15-09-2004 18:45:06
I signed up for something like this like 8-9 years ago, but it was for music CDs. After I got my free CDs I just kept ignoring their mail, I would just send them their mail back saying "what? I never got anything, leave me alone", they started sending me random CDs for a while and then stopped..
15-09-2004 18:47:01
Haha. Im doing the same with the dvd offer. Well i got my 5 dvds then they sent me die another day, and i never orderred it. So i snet it back to them and I still got billed, so Im just ingorin their mail. Lol.
15-09-2004 18:50:48
i did BMG music service about 5 years ago and i'm still getting mail from them saying "COME BACK!' its quite anoying.
15-09-2004 18:51:46
Lmao. Why don't you just block their email adderess?
15-09-2004 19:01:49
no, paper mail to my house.
15-09-2004 19:07:22
OOOh... you know what I do?
I get a bunch of the junk mail in my mailbo, glue it together and stick it right back in the mailbox. it returns to sender and costs the companys money, then they dont send you junk anymore D