18-10-2004 04:25:56
http//[" alt=""/img22801428d0]
Apple shipped our ipods via International Priority, so it should get to us in 1-2 days.
But check out the cost to ship that thing. I wonder how deep of a discount Apple gets to ship that shit out. And I wonder how much extra Gratis paid to order from Apple ?
WOAH. Crazy! shock How do they ever pay for these iPods? I think they only made about $10 off of my "Offer".
18-10-2004 06:05:53
apple probably pays around 10-20% of that cause they ship bulk quantities (like in thousands) per day and fedex can give them a discount cause whole cargo planes are filled with ipods.
Actually, Gratis probably pays no or little of the shipping cost. Apple probably doesn't mind that it costs so much to ship since it's probably really cheap to make them in China.
Service type IP Direct Distribution
Apple is not paying near that shipping cost for each iPod.
S t r e t c H
18-10-2004 07:23:43
Yeah, I see that IP Direct Distribution on mine as well. But does the IP part stand for International Priority?
Apple sends giant pallets of ipods that come to the US, get unboxed, then sent to individual recipients.
18-10-2004 12:15:38
i want my ipod. i better get shipped this night
18-10-2004 13:40:02
Thats what they charge you as a peon in society. I work at a shipping place, and it costs us alot less than that. But we still charge u the difference )
18-10-2004 14:57:00
Mine was sent out from Shanghai China last Wednesday and got to my packaging center in town by Saturday AM but I got it today. There was a sticker on the box that said Saturday delivery so not only are they paying for the expedited shipping, but they're also paying extra to deliever on Saturdays. I can't believe how much extra they're paying to try and get the iPods out to us, way to go Gratis!