close info... too close?

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17-10-2004 23:58:05

my uncle wants to sign up for the whole thing because i told him about it. i told him they've been putting tons of people on hold for small reasons so that he should be careful...

here's the problem
his name is the exact same as mine (i was named after him)
he lives in the city next to me
he has the same ISP...

will gratis put him on hold?


18-10-2004 00:16:37

I doubt anyone here will be able to tell you if he'll be put on hold since this is kind of a different situation.

BUT, having said that, I'd assume it would be fine. I would avoid using him as a referral (or vice versa) just so you're not linked together in the system. Then, if anything happens, he should contact Gratis to explain. He'll have a different address, credit card, etc. I think the others things wouldn't matter so much. Heck, even you and I could have the same ISP and name!

If he's really worried I'd suggest his wife or someone else who lives there to sign up but I think he'll be fine.


18-10-2004 07:44:24

i'm sure it'll be fine.

i mean hell, i wonder how many john smith's there are doing this thing.