01-07-2005 11:23:09
Well, I am still on hold, and DID NOTHING WRONG. And jake isn't responding to my PMs. I think everyone is getting desperate, OC now GRATIS. They are doing anything to save money including putting people on "hold" for no damn reason.
01-07-2005 11:25:24
i'm sorry but u can't chargeback shit, since it was u who signed up for all that crap...
01-07-2005 11:31:42
[quote4068077ff2="Archon810"]i'm sorry but u can't chargeback shit, since it was u who signed up for all that crap...[/quote4068077ff2]
01-07-2005 11:42:26
I'll keep trying the tickets, who knows.
01-07-2005 11:52:28
You're going to chargeback for the stuff you got from other companies because Gratis is putting you on hold? That's not right. Has a Gratis CS closed your inquiry? If not, just wait.
I know being on hold must suck, but Gratis is not a store, and they don't owe you anything. If anything, they probably consider that you broke the one per household rule.
01-07-2005 12:12:46
Gratis has been great to everyone you prolle did something against the rules and now your pissed get over it