17-10-2004 11:13:49
I really want to get one of those free ipods but I live in Europe, in Belgium.
I don't know anyone in the states so that's why I'm asking this here.
Does someone want to receive the Ipod for me and then ship it to me?
I will pay the shipping costs.
I know this is a rather weird question but please help me out.
17-10-2004 11:15:43
The offer is for United States residents only
17-10-2004 11:17:09
yes, hes asking for a friend to accept his ipod for him.
then..his friend may decide it'd be better off in europe and ship it to his kind friend.
17-10-2004 11:22:25
yeah, that's what I plan to do
17-10-2004 11:28:48
You are not the first to ask, and you will not be the last.
Gratis only offers this service to people in the United States, because that is the targeted advertising area.
For someone to open an account "for you" would be absolute fraud. And why should they go through all the trouble of earning a free iPod for you? Are your friends going to sign up for offers that they can't use?
stpuid ray,
he means that he does the work but uses your shippoing address, u get negative karam for being stupid
17-10-2004 11:38:50
If negative Karma is given for everytime you say somethine stupid then Ace I wouldn't be talking. lol
17-10-2004 11:43:17
Ray haque...STFU you are a fag, STop beig an ass to everyone....and if thats your picture, you look pretty ugly there...FliliKing geek
[quote9141b24bed]Are your friends going to sign up for offers that they can't use? [/quote9141b24bed]
I'm wondering how many US residents signed-up for offers they actually use. I mean, I thought most people canceled. In any case, I couldn't use any of the offers cause I'm a US resident but currently living in Europe. So I just signed-up for an offer, waited to receive credit and then canceled it. I now have the ipod sent to a friend of mine. Once you get 5 referrals and after your account is verified you can change both the name and the address to which the ipod should be delivered. I'm stv since 10/13 so I guess it means it works.
So, in theory at least, this is doable if you're abroad and have a friend who can just receive the ipod for you. However, if you don't have a credit card that matches a US mailing address I'm pretty sure you'll have to find some stranger in the US that will also complete an offer for you. I'd like to be more optimistic about people's kindness but I doubt you'll find someone like that. You have no idea how hard it can be to just find people who will complete an offer so that they can get an ipod
[b9141b24bed]for themselves[/b9141b24bed]...
I hope for you that I'm wrong. If anyone knows of an offer you can sign up for without a US cc, mailing address or phone number, let us all know about it. I just can't see any right now.
17-10-2004 12:32:41
It would not be fraud.
A legitmate person state side would complete the obligations. Gratis gets their commision, nice person from the states gets an iPod. They ship it to Belgium. Not fraud, its called going out of your way for another person.
17-10-2004 15:25:27
http//[" alt=""/imgc06eefb12d]
17-10-2004 16:00:03
yeah uh most of us dont laugh at people with down syndrome jackass
17-10-2004 16:26:44
http//[" alt=""/img88c1665b98]
"I'm George W. Bush, and I approve of laughing at people with Down Syndrome".
Icarus George Bush said he feels your prayers. Don't hate.
17-10-2004 17:30:36
well, i'm voting for george w. bush either way so uh! haha
still dude, dont be a jackass to people with illnesses like down syndrome.
17-10-2004 18:33:51
http//[" alt=""/img4939ba3c6c][/quote4939ba3c6c]
LOL!! ray, you are HILARIOUS hahaha
i mean, that was kinda mean..but funny lol
17-10-2004 22:10:34 sure? Cuz they all look alike to me...kind of like oriental people P
Off Topic has it ever occured to you that maybe orientals see all of us alike?