17-10-2004 08:17:38
What should I do? I e-mailed gratis (even though it's been a week). Does anybody know what's going on?
17-10-2004 09:29:38
if you email them they will just tell you how it could take up to 15 days to show up..... but it can't hurt to ask
17-10-2004 13:23:05
if you email them, they will tell you they won't discuss someone else's account with you. Very frustrating, I didn't get credit for a different offer, I emailed them my referals welcome email and they still wouldn't credit me. The referal has tried and had no luck also. Good luck to you.
17-10-2004 14:46:39
Or maybe it's that because it's the weekend and gratis doesn't really do anything on the weekends, they might finally give me my credit on a weekday sometime this week. Correct me if I'm wrong.
17-10-2004 14:59:14
the video professor is an instant credit thing...if she didnt get it immediatly she probably wont get you gotta watch out for their $70 charge if you KEEP the Cd's
17-10-2004 17:50:20
[quoted5a060d104="earlynovember6th"]the video professor is an instant credit thing...if she didnt get it immediatly she probably wont get you gotta watch out for their $70 charge if you KEEP the Cd's[/quoted5a060d104]
No, she got credit and a verification e-mail, it's just I'm waiting for it to appear.