Sony 19" no longer offered on FFS...

Live forum:


27-06-2005 15:52:34

Damn I was looking forward to the Sony but they've changed the lineup a bit now. At least the Viewsonic will have DVI but I doubt the image will be as good as a Sony though...


27-06-2005 16:17:52

damn, that really sucks... at least the LG monitor is there... i think i am going to wait to do this site.


27-06-2005 18:26:18

[quote53776a98f7="hehehhehe"]Damn I was looking forward to the Sony but they've changed the lineup a bit now. At least the Viewsonic will have DVI but I doubt the image will be as good as a Sony though...[/quote53776a98f7]

The sony monitor I got didn't have a DVI output.


27-06-2005 19:35:40

Yeah, I know. I meant to say that although it's not a Sony, it has DVI going for it.


27-06-2005 20:57:50

well, now they have the viewsonic and that is good! i need to sign up on this site!!!!


27-06-2005 21:43:15

BOOOOOO to Gratis on getting rid of the Sony 19" (


27-06-2005 23:33:54

I checked out some reviews, and although Viewsonic doesn't quite have the same brand clout as Sony, this model has good reviews. Too bad they didn't go for the Sony S94/B model (they use to list this but ship the S93/B)... they're not priced that differently.


28-06-2005 06:12:10

I love my 93/B and my girlfriend was trying to get one of her own, but now that Gratis has pulled the plug on that model she doesn't know what to get. I don't have good experiences with LG or Viewsonic (personally, I think they're both bullshit models and that Gratis should go back to the Sony).

I told her to submit a support ticket and ask them if she can somehow still get the Sony once she's done...I told her not to expect much though.


28-06-2005 08:11:26

I agree with you about these brands. I see Viewsonic as one of those brands like MAG, they're often the cheapest. This model has a 3 year warranty but I don't know about its image quality.

Let me know what your girlfriend finds out.


28-06-2005 08:18:14

They're crap. When I was in highschool the school would buy Viewsonic in major bulk for it's lab computer monitors because they are dirt cheap.

I'll keep you posted on what she finds out...maybe we should ask Jake what's up...


28-06-2005 08:20:13

now that i think about it... the site is 8 referrals, and you can get a 19 inch flatscreen for 250 bucks.. a samsung one... so i dont think it is worth it to do that site


28-06-2005 08:37:49

Bingo...cheaper models = even more money in Gratis' pockets evil


28-06-2005 09:13:39

Hopefully Jake is reading this and can comment?


28-06-2005 10:05:19

In my experience, viewsonic is the best there is when it comes to computer monitors


28-06-2005 10:08:01

[quote5545983286="goofygarber"]In my experience, viewsonic is the best there is when it comes to computer monitors[/quote5545983286]

Is that a joke?


28-06-2005 10:09:57

Not at all - my friend has an excellent 21'' viewsonic and its amazing to watch...
I mean within reasonable purchase, those apple cinema displays are godly and anything with hi def output is out of viewsonic's class but for normal monitors, i consider them exellent


28-06-2005 10:21:52

Yeah...Viewsonic is's strictly for getting the job done.

A newspaper is utilitarian for wiping your ass, but if you had the option of Charmin, wouldn't you agree that it's the better bet? twisted


28-06-2005 10:32:49

[quote9497167490="goofygarber"]In my experience, viewsonic is the best there is when it comes to computer monitors[/quote9497167490]
That's insane. One has to question your experience...


29-06-2005 05:39:12

I have to agree...I just did a trade in which now I was looking at that site. I think I would go w/ LG myself just based on what I have seen out there. No real specifics to speak of, but it just seems like I've seen more LG. Anyway even if I do finish it I won't be replacing my 17" Dell Ultra Sharp....The picture is great and the USB hub makes it worth the sacrifice of 2 inches.....


01-07-2005 13:15:19

Viewsonic is one of the better brands when it comes to LCDs. Sony never was any beter than just OK. It was replaced by two 19 LCDs that are much nicer. I still would have gone with the 17 inch Samsung TV I chose.


13-07-2005 21:06:21

[quote41c8129cf9="goofygarber"]those apple cinema displays[/quote41c8129cf9]
those apple cinema displays are just LG panels inside a pretty apple-stylized case and an $800 - $3000 pricetag.


13-07-2005 21:14:33

umm quit complaining they are free monitors so anything is better then the one you didnt get for free roll


13-07-2005 21:18:54

[quotea9fe744513="Stroid"]umm quit complaining they are free monitors so anything is better then the one you didnt get for free roll[/quotea9fe744513]

Yeah and you can get it and sell it and get something else too. D