15-10-2004 18:48:10
seems like most everyone's recent shipment went out on the 15th...did everyone's ship on the 15th or was there some the 15th some the 16th and so on.
Cause I'm wondering if all the people posting about how they are shipped on the 15th is only that day then can we expect the next round of shipping to be all out next week on a certain day or over a couple of days?
15-10-2004 19:23:12
[quote1741fa7f34="wonderwheel"]seems like most everyone's recent shipment went out on the 15th...did everyone's ship on the 15th or was there some the 15th some the 16th and so on.
Cause I'm wondering if all the people posting about how they are shipped on the 15th is only that day then can we expect the next round of shipping to be all out next week on a certain day or over a couple of days?[/quote1741fa7f34]
We will probably have better information come Monday since Gratis' site does not update on weekends (right?). Though we could continue to reference " M9282LL/A" + zip-code to see if FedEx is delivering and iPods to your town. Though no way to tell if those are iPods from Gratis or normal folk buying iPods.
Folk != Terrorists, i am using the non bush definition