Does the chat room bare a resemblance to Nazi Germany?
15-10-2004 16:48:42
LOL, I just got banned for the stupidest reason...No I didn't spam, no I didn't post my referral link, I spoke the truth.
Someone was trying to scare someone that Gratis will sue...I told them Harry is just using scare tactics, as most of his reasons for suing won't stand a chance in court. As one of them was posting a cancellation numbers....see there is this thing called the first Amendment, which guarantees Freedom Of Speech...well I was kicked right away by ConLaptop with a message of "show some respect" LOL, apparently Harry=Hitler and I disrespected their leader.
Not surprising though as this country is resembling Nazi Germany more and more than the US with the Patriot Act and the fact that you doubt what the government does and you are unpatriotic.
This post wont' last long as the chat is run by the same Nazis, oh well, I guess you aren't allowed to speak the truth anymore
15-10-2004 16:50:14
harry is a gratis rep....
15-10-2004 16:52:09
And your point? The first Amendment is part of the Us Constitution.
Does Harry overpower that fact?
15-10-2004 16:53:46
well technically you are right Gratis can't sue for posting cancellation numbers, but they can put your account on hold for going against their T&C
15-10-2004 16:54:12
And that has to do what with anything?
15-10-2004 16:54:53
They were talking about Gratis suing, not putting accounts on hold for violating TOS
15-10-2004 16:56:02
well obviously the person you are referring to in your first post who got their account on hold was trying to get OFF hold, when they violated the terms of service, they should'ntve even asked to get off...
but yea gratis can only sue if you actually commit fraud against their company.
15-10-2004 16:57:36
Um, no one mentioned anyone being on hold in chat, they started talking about the reasons and how Gratis will sue....(eg being Canadian, Cancelation)
15-10-2004 16:59:08
15-10-2004 16:59:30
ooooooo yea its just to scare the people, because yea gratis can't sue, and gratis won't sue for stupid reasons such as posting cancellation numbes, they'll just put the account on hold, that's just one rep out of many more...
15-10-2004 17:00:04
Ahh so you're the moron from the chat earlier? Nice to put a forum screenname with the retarded chatting. Are you the same person who said Gratis has it coming when someone frauds them, just by being online? Sounds like you. The same person also said that online data (IP addresses specifically) can't prove that someone frauded Gratis, and would never hold up in court.
15-10-2004 17:03:14
Nope, that's not me, I posted one line on Gratis suing before I was banned.
15-10-2004 17:04:04
My screen name on here is the same it is in chat, "joecansee"
15-10-2004 17:04:49
Okay, Gratis will ONLY sue if someone has frauded them!!! okay, end of discussion
15-10-2004 17:05:36
[quote1c299ff82f="EatChex89"]Okay, Gratis will ONLY sue if someone has frauded them!!! okay, end of discussion[/quote1c299ff82f]
No it's not, why was I banned for no reason?
15-10-2004 17:08:51
http//[" alt=""/img22281605f7]
Guess what... It's playing just for you.
Though I agree that it might not be right, it's only a damn chat room, so I guarantee you that life will go on, and you'll even probably get a free iPod out of it.
So you should be taking it easy, pursuing a hobby, or working at your job. I bet you've spent more hours brooding over this free iPod than it takes to make the money at a full time job, and you'd have it by now.
15-10-2004 17:11:44
I'm not one of the assholes thinking they're hot shit who are in the chat 24/7, I have a life. I open the chat and have it in the background for a few hours, but only talk in it for a few mintes.
15-10-2004 17:14:15
Then no big loss, right?
15-10-2004 17:14:28
IRC is not a democracy. It's considered polite to lurk in ANY online communication medium before posting. If you had done that, you'd have noticed that anti-gratis sentiment is not appreciated, since they're literally giving away millions of dollars in free product. Like he said, your life will go on. You do not have a 'right' to access to ANYTHING online, except perhaps government resources. I provide a forum, site, and chat platform at no cost to anyone on the internet who wishes to use it, and I can set and enforce any rules in any way I see fit, and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.
15-10-2004 17:15:51
Well put. That deserves a big round of applause.
15-10-2004 17:18:11
Did I have anti gratis sentiment? No, I just simply stated they can't sue anyone for whatever reason they like.
15-10-2004 17:20:51
Fist Amendment doesn't apply in this case since the postings/messages are posted on private property (per se).
If someone said something I didn't like, I have the right to kick that person out of my home, forum, IRC channel.
15-10-2004 17:22:12
w/e joecansee, just get over it geez... if gratis wants to sue somebody, they can do that whether they win or not, who cares
15-10-2004 17:22:45
Exactly. If you had simply apologized for what you said above instead of proclaiming some god-given right to be a jackass (which you have, just not on my property), you would be unbanned by now.
15-10-2004 17:23:54
I'm sure he doesn't care about being banned since supposedly he has a life. haha.
15-10-2004 17:25:40
okay kinda off-topic, but kinda pertaining to this... there's an IRC chat, and i dont want to know the number of it, what's a free program to get besides mIRC (cuz mIRC isn't free)
15-10-2004 17:29:41
You can crack it but I don't know if that kinda talk is allowed in here. PM me and I can help ya out twisted
15-10-2004 17:30:08
[[as a person who had relatives in the holocost (and no i am not kidding) I think you should be careful when you compare internet moderators to NAZI's.]]
This is the same fool that wanted me to e-mail gratis FIVE MINUTES after i signed up for cuz it didnt work when I signed-up right then. (i'm one of his referalls). That same night we were both in that channel and he kept asking about HOW TO CANCEL which = ban. You're lucky it didn't happen right then and frankley I could see this coming. You like to just keep pushing the same button and just keep talking and talking and talking (i.e. your multiple posts here instead of just editing your post to include your NEW thoughts).
15-10-2004 17:33:55
Ooohh Joecansee has a life. Know what's cooler? Having a job where you get paid a goooood amount of money to work on the computer, and being able to chat while I get work done.
15-10-2004 17:43:08
[quote6ba5732fd8="EatChex89"]okay kinda off-topic, but kinda pertaining to this... there's an IRC chat, and i dont want to know the number of it, what's a free program to get besides mIRC (cuz mIRC isn't free)[/quote6ba5732fd8]
hydra IRC, chatzilla there are others...hydra is best free one I have used
15-10-2004 18:35:57
What abourt teh good things hitler did!
15-10-2004 19:59:30
[quoted3c0f2bae3="rhernals"]Ooohh Joecansee has a life. Know what's cooler? Having a job where you get paid a goooood amount of money to work on the computer, and being able to chat while I get work done.[/quoted3c0f2bae3]heeeeeeey does that make me cool?
15-10-2004 20:09:30
What's up with all the flaming? I can't really comment on what happened because i wasn't there but i do think everyone is entitled to an opinion...just my 2 cents
15-10-2004 21:59:46
[quote171e7c6803="hacktek"]What's up with all the flaming? I can't really comment on what happened because i wasn't there but i do think everyone is entitled to an opinion...just my 2 cents[/quote171e7c6803]
Why do people say this? Were not suppresing his right to his opinion. In fact, we are PARTICIPATING in the freedom of opinion by expressing our in reaction to his. Especially since he asked us all a question and we are answering it. Just because our opinion of the channel are in conflict with his, this is "flaming"?
P.S. I know I did in fact "flame" on him, and i'm not appologetic for it. Thru my experience (thoa it is limited) with this person, it is my opinion that this is an annoying person.
15-10-2004 22:05:18
[quote2e0324c936="joecansee"]Did I have anti gratis sentiment? No, I just simply stated they can't sue anyone for whatever reason they like.[/quote2e0324c936]
This is America, pal. With enough fine lines, and the right lawyer...they could easily manifest a case worth fighting for. It happens every day.