My iPod has been shipped. 9/17 Order, 9/27 & 10/6 STV
15-10-2004 14:56:36
Called FedEx, asked if anything is coming to my address.
They said it was shipped today and should be here on Wednesday the 20th.
Sweet... Still STV on
15-10-2004 14:57:17
Cool. I should call fedex and find out too.
shock shock shock shock shock
Same dates as me! Maybe I'm shipped too! (or maybe that's wishful thinking...)
15-10-2004 15:08:50
Called Fedex and didn't know what the ship date was and how it was being sent (Fedex express?).
I guess I will try again once I get that info.
15-10-2004 15:09:18
i hope im shipped then to, seeing as my dates before yours lol
there's atleast 2 coming to my zipcode because when i enter M9282LL/A as my ref. # it goes to the other screen. hopefully mine's on its way to! )
15-10-2004 15:12:02
[quote1392c543a5="maestro"]Called Fedex and didn't know what the ship date was and how it was being sent (Fedex express?).
I guess I will try again once I get that info.[/quote1392c543a5]
I said "It was supposedly shipped a few days ago" and said it was FedEx Express (It can't come from China on the ground D)
Even though it was shipped today, he still found it D
15-10-2004 15:13:08
oh yeah, and it doesnt show up on fedex insight D
maybe the websites slow, or i set it up wrong or something
When you called FedEx, what number and menu options did you do? I called 1-800-fedex and there were no options in the menu for this. When I did "track a package," it required a tracking #.
15-10-2004 15:17:44
say REP when it asks what your like to do, and you'll be connected.
15-10-2004 15:19:11
For me. I just said track a package and said i don't know and it sent me to a rep haha.
15-10-2004 15:21:54
that works to maestro, but if you say rep it connects you right w/a person. ;)
15-10-2004 15:25:26
I called and got jack shlit. Nothing coming my way. x
15-10-2004 15:31:00
Nothing here. 9/17 --> 10/6 STV
15-10-2004 15:45:45
nuttin since
15-10-2004 16:07:15
i called them , nothing coming to me yet
15-10-2004 16:10:54
why the fuck are guys shipping first.. so gay
15-10-2004 16:27:55
Poor xyclonez.. while you wait, run out to the store and by some Kleenex. Dry those tears! lol
15-10-2004 16:29:51
lihands xyclonez a Kleenex and some ice creamli
15-10-2004 16:35:15
are they really doing it by some sort of creazy orders????!!!!!!
15-10-2004 16:36:57
maybe alphabetical by state O_o
the other guy was california, im connecticut
15-10-2004 16:38:06
Damn, why do i have to live in Texas?
15-10-2004 16:40:56
your sig says 9/17 stv but you were really 10/6 stv?
15-10-2004 16:47:54
[quote0b2ce3ae17="rhernals"]Poor xyclonez.. while you wait, run out to the store and by some Kleenex. Dry those tears! lol[/quote0b2ce3ae17]
it gets fucking annoying seeing 9/15 stv shipped...
15-10-2004 16:49:43
i was a 9/27 STV, which then changed to 10/6 STV.
I was shipped.
15-10-2004 17:07:15
This sux) I don`t want to be stuck with the "slooooooow" vendor, i want the ipod now, damn it. People complete the requirements after me, and still get it before ... blah
15-10-2004 17:43:16
im a 9/8 with nothing comin to me =(
15-10-2004 18:09:53
For once and for all... there's NO "SLOW" vendor. ALL from Apple, folks
15-10-2004 18:28:25
Damn. Now you got me all excited.
15-10-2004 18:37:05
[quote38333d2772="Lunarpancake"]im a 9/8 with nothing comin to me =([/quote38333d2772]
i' one day ahead of you... still STV... damn it... (
15-10-2004 18:40:59
[quote4484e0fcb1="rhernals"]For once and for all... there's NO "SLOW" vendor. ALL from Apple, folks[/quote4484e0fcb1]
The word on the street is there are still some old orders sitting with old vendors.
The offical vendor now is Apple... but wasn't always.
15-10-2004 19:01:21
9/15 with nothing...its getting annoying alrite...lets just hope this doesnt go on for too long.. x x
15-10-2004 19:13:00
So that means now that the official vendor is now Apple that means newer orders such as myself are going to be shipping out alot faster than a month?
15-10-2004 19:47:12
[quote0c993cb77a="InFeXiOn"]So that means now that the official vendor is now Apple that means newer orders such as myself are going to be shipping out alot faster than a month?[/quote0c993cb77a]
That would be my bet.
15-10-2004 21:32:01
9/15 here, i got nothin.
15-10-2004 22:23:26

http//[" alt=""/imgcb22202a45]
15-10-2004 22:28:45
evil evil !
15-10-2004 22:30:45
Fresh.. yea mine changed to shipped also. =)
Date/Time 10/16/2004 10200 AM
Status Shipped
Hah..1 minute before you =P
My Order # is 4597xx
15-10-2004 22:34:07

http//[" alt=""/img12cad1ad4a][/quote12cad1ad4a]
hmmm, wonder if i'm next, our info is the same with the order numbers being a few digits off. this randomness is strange.
15-10-2004 22:36:53
holy crap, right after my last post i went back to the site to refresh and i'm shipped!
ordered 9/15
stv 1 9/17
stv 2 10/6
ship 10/16
and i really hope you august folks get your stuff soon.

http/" alt=""/[/imga454d30ccd]
15-10-2004 22:38:14
what the fuck. why are you people shipping before me.
this is fucking FUCKING FUCKING GAY
15-10-2004 23:20:50
16-10-2004 05:37:54
I got shipped! I'm STV 9/25 and changed to 10/6. I live in Mass.
16-10-2004 05:56:30
Can they really be going by state? Notice how many the newer ones are Mass and MI.
Any from PA ship? That's where I am. I'm a 9/15 and people who are 9/23 and higher have shipped. The only thing I can see is they shipped by state or something.
I'm in MI, STV 9/27, then again 10/6, still not shipped.
16-10-2004 06:51:59
Thanks for blowing that theory out of the water )
16-10-2004 07:00:49
god damn it, we early september people are still STV while those people ordered after us gotten shipped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so mad!!
16-10-2004 07:02:39
Yeah, now I know how the August people felt! Some people who had late September have shipped already... That's why I thought perhaps they were going in clusters of states and going alphabetically. But I guess that's just not the case.
16-10-2004 08:04:05
I live in NY, stv 9/8 - checked at around 1 AM today and I was shipped. Ipod is in Shanghai China atm.
16-10-2004 08:20:15
[quotef8f7e172d6="yiluncn"]god damn it, we early september people are still STV while those people ordered after us gotten shipped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so mad!![/quotef8f7e172d6]
im a fucking 8/17 and STILL NOT SHIPPED
16-10-2004 08:20:29
come onnnn ohio
papa needs a new something or other.
it is quite difficult to see everybody else getting theirs and not mine, sorta puts the fear into oneself that the order is still stuck at ecost or something of that nature. then again there was at least one 9/1 that shipped shrug
it gets more and more difficult everyday i walk out to go to classes, i really would like some music P
this is horrible come midterms though D thank goodness they're actually shipping stuff now.
16-10-2004 09:11:20
[quote7a91fd3b5a="blahfip"]Fresh.. yea mine changed to shipped also. =)
Date/Time 10/16/2004 10200 AM
Status Shipped
Hah..1 minute before you =P
My Order # is 4597xx[/quote7a91fd3b5a]
What the crap... my order number is 459701..... unless they stopped at 700... thats gay. So close..........
16-10-2004 09:20:35
I was a 9/17 and my STV was changed to 10/6 and i was shipped when i checked this morning
16-10-2004 09:48:38
their new vendor is doing ALOT FASTER than the ecost or whatever they had....
that's why so many new people got shipped soo soon......
16-10-2004 10:09:55
Well, when you deal directly with the manufacturer, it's sure to speed things up.
16-10-2004 10:41:02
/me keeps listening to Sum 41 - Still Waiting
16-10-2004 10:43:57
W-T-F Mates!?!one11!
I'm predicting that everyone whose latest STV (when you click on your order #) date is 10/6 will be shipped Monday or Tuesday.
16-10-2004 10:55:41
Dammit. I was one of the 9/1 people who's date was changed to 9/27...still STV. I'm hoping things will happen soon. Order # is 456xxx.
16-10-2004 10:56:31
Well, if that happens, my 9/15 better be shipped )