8/6 people their is still hope!!

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=1673

Diam0nd City

15-10-2004 06:56:30

My status changed to Shipped on Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!!


I called fedex yesterday and they say nothing is coming to my area (

Maybe they diddnt ship the Hpods through fedex?


15-10-2004 06:58:58

ask freeipods.com for track number


15-10-2004 06:59:31

As mentioned about 50000000 times so far, they aren't shipping Hpods at all anymore..

Mr Sofa Sets

15-10-2004 09:02:51

Yeah, they are [u625705ca0b]most likely[/u625705ca0b] not shipping Hpods anymore. However, it is still possible that people with very old STV dates (8/6, 8/10, etc..) will get Hpods. Here is the logic in my thinking

If Gratis placed an order with Ecost for Hpods that could not be canceled, it would explain a lot of the shipping discrepancies. It's possible that people with older dates were part of that order and hence have to wait for the back-order to clear. If this turns out to be the case, when those people eventually do get their iPods, they may be from Ecost and they may be Hpods...

Just a possibility though, I don't put much faith into that.


15-10-2004 09:05:13

dude you used the posessive form of their.
That one is used for something like "Their dog got run over by a train"
You should have used the other form that is "there"

Mr Sofa Sets

15-10-2004 09:10:58

Are you talking to me...? Because if you are, I beg to differ with your little English lesson...

[quote089930a9c5="Mr Sofa Sets"]If this turns out to be the case, when those people eventually do get their[/color089930a9c5][/size089930a9c5] iPods, they may be from Ecost and they may be Hpods... [/quote089930a9c5]

The iPods that I was referring to belong to the customers with old STV dates, hence the possessive from of the word "their"....

Mr Sofa Sets

15-10-2004 09:12:30

[quote5ca25ac198="keyspacer"]dude you used the posessive[/color5ca25ac198][/size5ca25ac198] form of their.
That one is used for something like "Their dog got run over by a train"
You should have used the other form that is "there"[/quote5ca25ac198]

BTW...Dude....you misspelled the word possessive.... roll


15-10-2004 09:13:33

He was talking about the dude who posted the topic as in

"8/6 people [b4c7d95351f]their[/b4c7d95351f] still hope"

that should have been

"8/6 people there's still hope"


Mr Sofa Sets

15-10-2004 09:15:26

OK then, I didn't notice that....My bad. oops


15-10-2004 09:40:22

[quote7f44ecf6aa="Mr Sofa Sets"]BTW...Dude....you misspelled the word possessive.... roll[/quote7f44ecf6aa]

LOL, the lesson of Internet forums...if you're gonna criticize somebody's grammar, make sure you properly spelled/formatted your post. Otherwise you'll get torn apart!


15-10-2004 09:53:37

LOL, the lesson of Internet forums...if you're gonna criticize somebody's grammar, make sure you properly spelled/formatted your post. Otherwise you'll get torn apart![/quotef658230fdb]

Ahhh, but there is a difference between a typo and a mistake such as there vs their. wink


15-10-2004 11:11:14

LOL, the lesson of Internet forums...if you're gonna criticize somebody's grammar, make sure you properly spelled/formatted your post. Otherwise you'll get torn apart![/quote576d4ebf91]

Ahhh, but there is a difference between a typo and a mistake such as there vs their. wink[/quote576d4ebf91]

Their is?


15-10-2004 11:14:17

LOL, the lesson of Internet forums...if you're gonna criticize somebody's grammar, make sure you properly spelled/formatted your post. Otherwise you'll get torn apart![/quote599b7e01c5]

Ahhh, but there is a difference between a typo and a mistake such as there vs their. wink[/quote599b7e01c5]

Their is?[/quote599b7e01c5]



15-10-2004 11:17:40

not when you get your essay back


15-10-2004 19:27:29

o wait!

who cares?