Accounts Updated to "Shipped" over night.
15-10-2004 00:25:31
I know this is weird because we usually see updated during the day.
However, my account was updated to "shipped" overnight!
Just thought i'd let you know....check your accounts and good luck!
15-10-2004 00:37:32
so i guess august people are being worked on now...congrats on getting shipped
15-10-2004 00:49:28
Congrats man. Hopefully I will be shipped soon so I can be able to say shove it to all those people that keep bugging me about it and saying it is not going to work. Good luck to all.
15-10-2004 00:50:14
woohoo thats good news
finally aug people are gettin theirs!
fuck yeah! shipped! thanks for the heads up
15-10-2004 05:06:14
hahaha. rocks.
I set up a Fedex Insight account, and it shows an apple ipod incoming.
praise the devil........ thank you
http//[" alt=""/imgc33bcdcbfb]
15-10-2004 05:17:19
There was also a 9/24 STV that went shipped last night too.
I've been recording STV dates from orders that ship during this big shipment, and it's off the wall. I guess it just shows the size of this order, containing STV dates of 1.5 months apart.
15-10-2004 05:35:10
link, thanks for posting what the InSight screen will look like. Now I know what to look for when I check mine again.
I haven't checked mine yet- hopefully I went to "shipped" overnight. I'm a 9/1, and this 9/8 and 9/24 business is beginning to get under my skin.
15-10-2004 05:37:34
9/24 gets under my skin because I am a 9/15 STV and I didn't go to shipped yet.
15-10-2004 05:42:39
Try to be patient, and not let it get under your skin.
The situation is, Apple just got an insane amount of orders from Gratis (reportedly over 1000). Apple is probably boxing and shipping as they come to the shipping area. Maybe the stack of orders is divided up amongst crews at the Apple factory (i.e. Group 1 does orders with the last name starting A-E, Group 2 is F-J, etc).
I imagine Gratis sent over these 1000+ orders and told Apple to get them out as quickly as possible. Apple's not going to take the time to try and figure out what order to ship them -- as far as they're concerned, they're all equal priority, they got all the orders at the same time.
Be patient, Apple's buzzing through these orders quickly. Two or three days of additional waiting isn't going to kill us. We all need to take a step back, appreciate the scope of this situation, and understand that Gratis landed a nice deal to clear up this back order.
15-10-2004 05:43:42
Yep, just as I f'n expected- not shipped. I think it's becoming clear what happened. When Gratis "re-classified" loads of folks to 9/24 STV or 10/6 STV, they were effectively putting us off until another shipment. My guess is that all that are shipped now didn't change STV dates.
If so, that was a blatant lie that it was only "internal re-filing" and that it wouldn't affect us. Perhaps even that 9/24 that shipped was originally a 9/24 and wasn't reclassified, leaving him with the group of all other dates?
I could be completely off [i9bffd4fc04]again[/i9bffd4fc04], which is probably the case. Gratis and Apple have made this such a clusterflilili that it's impossible to even predict when we'll be shipped. If something were to happen to stop production today, I'd imagine we won't be shipped for another month at least. They're probably shipping as fast or faster than they can make them.
15-10-2004 05:45:55
[quote273ea442af="rhernals"]Try to be patient, and not let it get under your skin.
The situation is, Apple just got an insane amount of orders from Gratis (reportedly over 1000). Apple is probably boxing and shipping as they come to the shipping area. Maybe the stack of orders is divided up amongst crews at the Apple factory (i.e. Group 1 does orders with the last name starting A-E, Group 2 is F-J, etc).
I imagine Gratis sent over these 1000+ orders and told Apple to get them out as quickly as possible. Apple's not going to take the time to try and figure out what order to ship them -- as far as they're concerned, they're all equal priority, they got all the orders at the same time.
Be patient, Apple's buzzing through these orders quickly. Two or three days of additional waiting isn't going to kill us. We all need to take a step back, appreciate the scope of this situation, and understand that Gratis landed a nice deal to clear up this back order.[/quote273ea442af]
Glad someone can be rational about it... azzhole. P wink
That's basically what I assumed, but my "venting" post would lead you to believe otherwise. lol
+karma for you for being able to stay calm. Or do you already have you iPod? If you do, then it's obviously easy for you to be so calm. D
15-10-2004 05:46:30
The latest one I've heard of shipping was a 9/24 STV that got switched to a 10/6 STV. Her order shipped last night. Like I said, just be patient, Apple is buzzing through these.
15-10-2004 05:48:56
No iPod here yet... I'm a 9/15 STV. I figure I'll be shipped in the next couple of days. Gratis told me I'd be shipped by next Wednesday (10/20), so I'm happy.
We should just be glad they got this deal with Apple, so we're not waiting 2 months like a lot of others lol
15-10-2004 05:49:50
[quote420d952de1="rhernals"]The latest one I've heard of shipping was a 9/24 STV that got switched to a 10/6 STV. Her order shipped last night. Like I said, just be patient, Apple is buzzing through these.[/quote420d952de1]
Oh, so that blows my theory of switched STV dates right out of the water... that's what I was hoping for.
Apparently your theory is the best one so far... STV discussions really are worth about as much as a lump of dogcrap at this point. lol
15-10-2004 05:50:45
[quote045aa7e9be="rhernals"]No iPod here yet... I'm a 9/15 STV. I figure I'll be shipped in the next couple of days. Gratis told me I'd be shipped by next Wednesday (10/20), so I'm happy.
We should just be glad they got this deal with Apple, so we're not waiting 2 months like a lot of others lol[/quote045aa7e9be]
No kidding. All told, mine may be right near the two month mark when it gets to my door, but at least I'm getting it.
I'd wanted it for a roadtrip I'm making this weekend, but no dice I suppose.
15-10-2004 05:52:00
Here's looking to next wednesday then. Cheers 9-15 STV <clink>
15-10-2004 05:52:16
Yeah, trust me, I've tossed around plenty of theories while I've waited P
Once they get this backorder cleared up, I'm sure it will go in order of STV dates. For example, in the future they'll send all the 11/5 orders to Apple, and Apple will ship them out. Lather, rinse, repeat.
We just joined FreeiPods in the midst of a supply problem -- basically, eCost couldn't/wouldn't keep enough stock to satisfy the Gratis demand.
15-10-2004 05:53:11
[quote3b23c03041]Here's looking to next wednesday then. Cheers 9-15 STV <clink>[/quote3b23c03041]
I'll drink to that ) I know, it's 9am here, a little early to drink... but it's 5 o'clock somewhere! lol
15-10-2004 05:53:43
I just got off of work so it is 5pm to me at this point. (I am east coast BTW)
15-10-2004 06:04:00
Yeah, I'm sure they get a better price on it, because they're going straight to the manufacturer. eCost (the middle man) doesn't get their cut out of the pie. I'm glad Gratis pays less.. they make more.. and stay in business longer. More free stuff for us D
15-10-2004 07:50:55
Yeah, it seems as if STV dates are crap now.
I'm a 9/15 STV as well.
My bro went STV a week later 9/22 (+/- a few days). Status on the page says shipped today 10/15 102AM and he got it this morning!
15-10-2004 08:27:33
my original stv was 9/17 and was switched to 10/6. if i get mine early i'd actually feel bad for those august folks who haven't gotten theirs yet. here's to apple being speedy.
15-10-2004 08:43:25
[quote3b478ea4ad="link626"]hahaha. rocks.
I set up a Fedex Insight account, and it shows an apple ipod incoming.
praise the devil........ thank you
http//[" alt=""/img3b478ea4ad][/quote3b478ea4ad]
WHat account number did you use?
15-10-2004 08:49:32
I'm guessing he used his own... that's what I did.
15-10-2004 08:58:54
And where am i supposed to get the account number?
15-10-2004 13:40:13
8/17 still not shipped =/ haven't seen any other 8/17s shipped week i'm hopeing! i just want it before i make a trip to vegas on thanksgiving week (10 hour drive...ugh!)
15-10-2004 13:42:02
My guess is that Apple sorted the orders by geographic location, which would explain why some zip codes have no match at FedEx and the others have more then one.
Just a thought.
15-10-2004 13:52:31
[quotec75a0f98c3="link626"]hahaha. rocks.
I set up a Fedex Insight account, and it shows an apple ipod incoming.
praise the devil........ thank you
http//[" alt=""/imgc75a0f98c3][/quotec75a0f98c3]
What kind of account on FedEx? Can anyone do that??
15-10-2004 13:55:54
its free
15-10-2004 14:00:44
how do you get an account number for fedex insight?
15-10-2004 14:08:48
follow the directions, you have to get a FedEx account, which will require a cc, however, only billed if you use fedex I believe
15-10-2004 14:12:52
ordered 9/8 and went STV on 9/15, anyone know when theyre gonna ship?
and how can i use the reference number thing on fedex? thanks.
15-10-2004 15:06:54
Hi my 8/6 stv was changed either yesterday or today, 10/15, to shipped. However the order shows as shipped is 8/10.
Has anyone else noticed this type of wackiness?
15-10-2004 18:11:22
OMG, MINE IS "SHIPPED"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
15-10-2004 21:48:03
[quote7ed7a42633="copart"]My guess is that Apple sorted the orders by geographic location, which would explain why some zip codes have no match at FedEx and the others have more then one.
Just a thought.[/quote7ed7a42633]
I know with the us post office that to get bulk mail rates you need to have all of the mail organized by zip. not sure about fedex but.... I'm sure apple has a deal with fedex.
15-10-2004 21:49:11
[quote2b7cf5bec7="DarkTemplar194"]OMG, MINE IS "SHIPPED"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"I LOVE YOU" FREEIPODS.COM!!!! DS[/quote2b7cf5bec7]
We're finally gonna see less complaining/flaming from you!