14-10-2004 17:13:35
Hey, I was just wondering how many Ipods do you think are back ordered? And how long before Gratis is caught up with outstanding orders from August and September? I don't think they're going to ship newer orders before older ones are they? Just wondering what the current back order situation was, cause I am hoping to get mine before Christmas!
Thanks guys!
14-10-2004 17:22:18
[quote388e16bea4="CaseTheAce"]I don't think they're going to ship newer orders before older ones are they? [/quote388e16bea4]
Hahahaha! ROFL... LOL!
Hold on, let me gain my composure...
They have been shipping newer orders before older orders all along. That's just the way things go. I'm a 9/1 and there have been 9/1s after me, 9/4s, and 9/8s shipped and I'm still not shipped.
As to getting it before Christmas, you probably will.
About three weeks back the estimate was that there were 1000 backorders. I'm sure that's gone up alot now. They plan to have all August and September shipped by the end of next week, or so they say.
14-10-2004 17:27:50
I know people have been getting jacked and having orders shipped before them, but its only a couple days difference between the order dates, like 9/1 and 9/8, not that big of a deal... I'm talking about new orders like October orders, those wont get shipped before Sept. right? That was my question. But anyways, if all those back orders were caught up in the next couple weeks that would be great.
14-10-2004 17:30:55
[quote79d0ff82d7="JettaGuy10984"]They plan to have all August and September shipped by the end of next week, or so they say.[/quote79d0ff82d7]
does not look like it so far, maybey they will do major shipments this friday (tommorow)
14-10-2004 17:32:05
They've started shipping.. I imagine the ones we've heard about represent only a small portion of the ones that went out.. there's a lot of people out there involved in this that don't use the forums.
14-10-2004 17:40:24
[quote3becfcf136="roxah"][quote3becfcf136="JettaGuy10984"]They plan to have all August and September shipped by the end of next week, or so they say.[/quote3becfcf136]
does not look like it so far, maybey they will do major shipments this friday (tommorow)[/quote3becfcf136]
Wouldn't that be nice
14-10-2004 18:03:05
[quote18df13d8b5="CaseTheAce"]I know people have been getting jacked and having orders shipped before them, but its only a couple days difference between the order dates, like 9/1 and 9/8, not that big of a deal... I'm talking about new orders like October orders, those wont get shipped before Sept. right? That was my question. But anyways, if all those back orders were caught up in the next couple weeks that would be great.[/quote18df13d8b5]
It's doubtful that October folks will be shipped in this alleged "large shipment." I won't say it's impossible though. I wouldn't rule it out completely.
14-10-2004 18:21:33
Well im not expecting to get mine with the same shipment as your guys's, but I would at least like to see the back order filled, so I know that mine would be coming soon, ya know? But if this mysterious "large shipment" Really happens, it would be sweet if Oct. orders were filled too. But im not counting on it P
14-10-2004 18:45:49
i'm 10/6 STV because i was STV in september but they switched it up..hope i get mine with the large shipment.
14-10-2004 18:50:09
word up (check my sig)
14-10-2004 19:05:28
[quoted3173dcd2f="CaseTheAce"]I know people have been getting jacked and having orders shipped before them, but its only a couple days difference between the order dates, like 9/1 and 9/8, not that big of a deal... I'm talking about new orders like October orders, those wont get shipped before Sept. right? That was my question. But anyways, if all those back orders were caught up in the next couple weeks that would be great.[/quoted3173dcd2f]
umm.. 8/17 to 9/8 is a big difference and we have been waiting a lot longer than they have, we should be getting ours first.
14-10-2004 19:44:10
14-10-2004 19:58:55
when will the wait be over .. i c so many ppl on the train with ipods and wonder i will have one too someday