BMG music offer

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15-09-2004 12:27:46

Did anyone sign up for the BMG 12 cds offer? how long did it take? I had someone sign up under me about two weeks ago and they still have not recieved credit.


15-09-2004 12:28:26

Also, they recieved the CDs over a week ago.


15-09-2004 12:31:52

I had someone sign up under me for the BMG as well and it has not shown up under My Status. It doesn't even show their email in there.

I emailed Free iPods and they said they show no record of that person signing up. (


15-09-2004 12:32:48

Well, at least the guy who signed up under me has his email on my's just yellow, not green.


15-09-2004 14:07:03

that offer sux


15-10-2005 06:33:28

I did the offer for BMG, it was a good offer, the wait was a little longer than most (certainly not the credit cards) but I got some good CD's. It took about twelve days to get credit? I received my CD's about 2 or 3 days before also.


15-10-2005 12:12:20

I love BMG, it converted me to legal music. Anyways only aspect i hate is how long it takes to credit


17-10-2005 15:37:16

That seems to be one of the only good offers on right now. All the other ones seem to be for credit cards or something.