ahhhhhh i need 2 more referrals!

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=1613


14-10-2004 07:31:14

I never thought getting referrals would be so much like pulling teeth.

No one wants to give their information out to anyone, no matter WHAT i tell them. Its been over 3 months and i still dont have 5 referrals. I have created a website, i advertise on my aim profiles, i printed the site out posted it on a tack board at work with lil tags with my website address, and people take one every day. I just changed the paper. But im not even getting yellows!! I asked my friends, and theyre like, no i dont want to give out my credit information, or my email or anything...

wtf is wrong with you people?! lol. Any additional help is appreciated. Im so close yet so far away... (


14-10-2004 07:42:04

Maybe you should try asking people if they have any use for any of the offers first instead of asking them if they want a free ipod. And if they do, then tell them the mutual benefit of trying those offers and get a free ipod while you are at it.


14-10-2004 08:12:50

that doesnt work. Thats an even worse way to come about it. no one wants to seem to pay for anything. Which is the only way ive been able to get people to sign up.


14-10-2004 08:26:30

Then how are you going to get greens, if they are not going to partake in any offers.


14-10-2004 08:41:37

ive had to pay people to sign up. and even then they were my friends.


14-10-2004 08:44:44

Sad. (


14-10-2004 09:05:37

yeah man, argh. Can i plug my website here? lol probably not.


14-10-2004 09:08:11

Ok checked the rules. but if anyone would like to help a brother out, PM me or AIM me.



14-10-2004 09:33:08

hahaha you only need two? brother, tra ffic swarm .com,url==http://=http:///url lol

actually that site doesnt work, it's just full of people clicking to get more credits -P i look for sites that i want to read about.

but anyway i need 4 referrals, sooo you're higher up than me

AND I HAVE 23 YELLOWS!!!!!! lol