14-10-2004 06:39:05
Hey people, I went STV last night. How long does it usually take to get shipped? Or is there some way of figuring out how many orders they need to ship bulk?
14-10-2004 06:58:35
No one knows. It's up to the Gratis gods.
14-10-2004 07:17:11
On many days does it take? I'm kind of excited that I may have been shipped with the recent shipment, but they dint change my status yet. Could that be?
14-10-2004 07:29:38
I don't think you will be shipped for a while.
There is still a lot of people in front of you waiting. I believe a lot of August people have not shipped yet.
I would expect to wait a month. Unless Gratis is really cranking up the ipod distribution. You may be it within 2 weeks.