email addys of refs... very strange

Live forum:

Mr. A

13-10-2004 15:35:56

I own a domain strictly for throw-away email purposes.... there is no website attached to the domain, email only. And it's purpose it exactly for stuff like freeipods... can use an addy, throw it away, and create another at any time.

I've been using link on another site (different domain) to get referrals.

I noticed something incredibly odd.... two of my refs have an email supposedly from my email-only-domain. Frankly, it's virtually impossible for the users of one site to even know the other exists since I've never once used that domain for person-to-person contact.

I'm merely guessing, but it sounds like Gratis' programming attempts to guess the domain if an incorrectly formatted addy is entered? I can't think of any other reasoning.

Not concerned about it, but found it strange.

Another thing I found humorous, is that as soon as I signed up for the site ,, & were added to the advertising lists, in addition to the email I signed up with. They don't receive as many ads as the signed-up addy gets, so it's not Gratis, but one of the companies they share their lists with.


13-10-2004 15:39:58

your domain is ? or is that just an example

Mr. A

13-10-2004 15:57:58

an example