31-05-2005 13:54:00
I know Jake said all orders would be shipped out by the end of the month, and guess what? Today's the last day of May? Do we have any "motion in the ocean" with the XBoxes? I've been waiting since 3/14, 2 and a half months. I'm looking forward to getting mine and just wanted an update. Curious if Gratis would stick to their word. That XBox is the only reason I still hang around these forums, to make sure it ships. Thanks again to everyone.
31-05-2005 14:15:53
yeah Ive been waiting forever as well
[quote8a5cd85515="PodTopia"]I know Jake said all orders would be shipped out by the end of the month, and guess what? [/quote8a5cd85515]
That isn't quite accurate. I never said the end of the month. I did say soon however and soon it will be. ;)
31-05-2005 14:36:19
[quote1e3ae71e5a="PodTopia"]I know Jake said all orders would be shipped out by the end of the month, and guess what? Today's the last day of May? Do we have any "motion in the ocean" with the XBoxes? I've been waiting since 3/14, 2 and a half months. I'm looking forward to getting mine and just wanted an update. Curious if Gratis would stick to their word. That XBox is the only reason I still hang around these forums, to make sure it ships. Thanks again to everyone.[/quote1e3ae71e5a]
check DHL ......my xbox is due here the second (2 days)
also....jake didint say that, another rep told me that all xboxs would ship by end of month. And they have (along with psps too...and who knows what else)
31-05-2005 15:29:03
niether my xbox nor my psp is showing tracking info
31-05-2005 15:47:15
my friend hasnt got his forever!
31-05-2005 17:45:22
Mine is due here on Thursday as well! Can't believe it! Shuffle arrived today, XBOX in 2 days. That's completes my Gratis sites for now (ipod, flat screen, desktop pc, mac mini, ipod photo, shuffle and now gaming). Woohoo! Might be time to start back up and complete some OC sites, XBOX 360 and get some greens for notebooks4free...
01-06-2005 05:29:05
[quote74e78ad133="PoPoJiJo"]niether my xbox nor my psp is showing tracking info[/quote74e78ad133]
Same here, ziltch for both (
01-06-2005 10:36:52
weird...my xbox andpsp both shipped, but the xbox package hasnt been picked up yet to be shipped
the psp is already on its way
both items are supposedly gunna arrive tomorrow (Thursday 2nd) but i dont see how that possible if the xbox hasnt even left the shippers door yet.
what company is efullfillment anyways ecost?
01-06-2005 10:57:07
[quote1cded3544f="Lunarpancake"]weird...my xbox andpsp both shipped, but the xbox package hasnt been picked up yet to be shipped
the psp is already on its way
both items are supposedly gunna arrive tomorrow (Thursday 2nd) but i dont see how that possible if the xbox hasnt even left the shippers door yet.
what company is efullfillment anyways ecost?[/quote1cded3544f]
they probley didnt update the status on the site yet.. mine supose to arrive tomorrow too.. a day before my b-day wooo hooooooo
02-06-2005 18:07:15
How do you track?? I'm STV...
02-06-2005 18:59:03
no efufillment is its own entity completely diff from ecost as far I understand
and my psp went shipped today so hopefully I'll see my xbox in the next couple of days D lol D lol D
02-06-2005 19:53:49
[quotea10e7aee1d="PiSty1ez"]How do you track?? I'm STV...[/quotea10e7aee1d]
For XBOX's you go to DHL's website and "Track by Reference." Enter your Gratis order number as the reference and your zip code as the Destination Postal Code. If something is on its way, you'll see it.