Where did everybody go to get freehandbags referrals?

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=1525


12-10-2004 07:39:54

Where has everybody been posting their links? I've had some trouble getting referrals on the handbags and was wondering if anybody has some good idea's about where to go for referrals.

Also, i've noticed there aren't many referral links in people's signatures, why is that? i figured everyone would be promoting themselves here.

anyways, let me know your answers. thanks guys.


12-10-2004 17:49:25

People don't have their referral links in their sigs because it's against forum rules.


12-10-2004 18:52:58

do you smell that?? wait... lisniffsli.... i smell an [i'm an idiot] and a ban....


12-10-2004 18:53:57

yeah you might want to hurry up and take that link out before the mods have their way with you ;). There are plenty of sites to pimp your links but it is not appreciated here and against the rules ;).


06-11-2004 10:13:06

try mIRC channels, don't spam like hell but talk to people personally. Or try AIM chat channels, be nice to people. I got 5 greens for my free iPod in a week and a half. You just got to convince people that they're getting a good deal, without coming on desperate that you NEED them to sign up so you can get your free item. Just link your referral and I bet they won't even notice. If they ask what you're gettin out of advertising for them. Say you're helping spread the word cause your eh .....a cheapskate and want people to enjoy the feeling of gettin somethin "free" lol


06-11-2004 13:40:23

I've been having a really hard time getting the last two referrals! It's a bummer to see all these guys completing FHB when all they want to do is sell the purse... lisighli I want my Coach bag!


10-11-2004 20:42:16

here's an idea trade referrals with people who need you to sign up for their site. ive done this with a few people and ive found that its a great way to get greens and both people are happy.


11-11-2004 02:49:54

[quoted5349696a6="spectrum5ten"]here's an idea trade referrals with people who need you to sign up for their site. ive done this with a few people and ive found that its a great way to get greens and both people are happy.[/quoted5349696a6]

the problem is that I'm already signed up with all of them! I've completed FIP, FFS, and FPC, and am working on photo iPod, and the 4free sites now. (


11-11-2004 11:38:00

You should be glad that you have at least completed some of them. There are plenty of people out there that are trying so hard just to get one of the free offers completed.