We remind our users that it is forbidden to spam other random people with your referral link.
For example, if you want to refer users and you go about this by sending out spam to random email addresses, we will place the account sending the spam on permanent hold.
We have received a bunch of reports regarding this sort of activity in the past few days and I just wanted to remind our users that sending out spam in that fashion to gain referrals is forbidden under the Terms and Conditions.
01-06-2005 07:02:57
How can we report it if we are receiving spam from people with their referral links?
01-06-2005 07:07:23
Either report it using the Gratis support ticket, or PM the spammers link to Jake.
10-06-2005 09:39:54
[quote801886db5e="Jake"]We remind our users that it is forbidden to spam other random people with your referral link.
For example, if you want to refer users and you go about this by sending out spam to random email addresses, we will place the account sending the spam on permanent hold.
What about posting in a forum about how to get a product (that Gratis offers for free) and then responding to people's email replies telling them the great offers and giving out your referal link? Obviously the emails are not being sent to random people, but merely replying legitimately to their email.
Is that still breaking the terms of service?
10-06-2005 09:45:37
As long as the forum you are posting in doesn't have a problem with you posting your link, you're fine...as you said, if people willingly contact you about your offer, it cannot be spamming them to respond.
Don't put your link where it isn't welcome or asked for...that's what I go by )
Lets keep this a PM discussion for now.
I will continue to discuss this via PM. This thread is sticky for the obvious reason that it is a warning to anyone who reads the board.
10-06-2005 13:29:01
yeah maybe this should be locked?