11-10-2004 06:23:17
Would you keep getting more referrals, or wait a couple weeks and see how your yellows pan out???
Just curious...
11-10-2004 06:25:37
I'd keep going, but not as aggressively.. for FFS I bugged people like crazy, and when I had 5 greens and 14 yellows, I took it easy. I still put it up in away messages and my profile, but I didn't actively bug people about it. In about a week, 3 went green.
11-10-2004 07:33:22
I would try to get my referrals somewhere else.
Try putting your link somewhere else or marketing the referrals offline. 130 yellow, 2 green tells me you've been spamming (probably not, but I've heard of people that get similar numbers this way) or posting to a place where the people are wishy washy on actually completing an offer.
11-10-2004 07:33:37
Don't just stop. You need to make a standard email that you send to each yellow person thanking them and telling them what to do next.
11-10-2004 07:37:40
Haven't spammed at all...just been including the link where 1000's of people will read it.
Yeah, I sent a nice e-mail to the first 70-80 and it didn't seem to do much, BUT in the e-mail I talked up the infone offer, which I completed...and then found out that it may not be included in my referral offer options, since I completed it first...so my e-mail may have been confusing and hurt my case more than it helped it!
11-10-2004 08:38:15
i had over 200 yellows, and after like 5 days i got them 2 of them turnedgreen, and i never talked to them or anything like that
11-10-2004 09:11:36
[quotef2dc1cd63f="UberLucid"]Haven't spammed at all...just been including the link where 1000's of people will read it.
Yeah, I sent a nice e-mail to the first 70-80 and it didn't seem to do much, BUT in the e-mail I talked up the infone offer, which I completed...and then found out that it may not be included in my referral offer options, since I completed it first...so my e-mail may have been confusing and hurt my case more than it helped it![/quotef2dc1cd63f]care to share the nice email you sent? i think thats a good idea.
11-10-2004 09:15:11
Here's mine, you can use it if you want.
Hey.I've noticed you signed up under my free flat screen account ) The
best offers to do right now are Ancestry (instant credit.) Literary
Guild (instant credit) or Boca Jova (instant credit) If you see any
other offer such as buying coffee or anything else, feel free to do
1. Make sure that all of your referrals are unique users, and that one
person (including yourself) does not sign up under 2 or more accounts.
2. Make sure that you don't have more than one member of a household sign up.
3. Make sure that you don't have more than one person sign up from any
given IP address. Example if you sign up from work, and your office
is connected through one router, don't have your fellow employees sign
up from the office.
4. Try not to log in to your freeflatscreens.com account from anywhere else
but where you signed up from. (I'm not sure if this is a problem or
5. Do not sign up under someone else's account from the computer that
you or someone else signed up from. (This would cause a problem)
Thanks for singing up under me and good luck with finding your own
referrals. If you want to contact me on AIM for any reason my sn is
KingOfBling99. I have recently just finished my free ipod offer, and
we be recieving it soon.
If you decide not to sign up please email me back.
P.S. This company has other free items that different amounts of
referrals are needed.
http//www.freeiPods.com/default.aspx?referer=9561510 < free ipod. (my
friends link) (5 referrals)
http//www.FreeDesktopPC.com/default.aspx?referer=8335941 < free
computer (10 referrals)
http//www.FreeHandbags.com/default.aspx?referer=9773996 < free
handbag (5 referrals)
Also, visit www.freeipodscommunity.com and sign up for the forum so I
can add you to the "conga line." If you don't know what that is,
you'll figuire out. Thanks again.[/quoted0b234cd31]
(This was before ebay) if the person signed up under FFS i just basically switched the "free ipod" with the free "flat screen" and sent a message like that.
11-10-2004 09:27:34
That's a cool email, Bling. Well done and it gives some heads up to people just in case they are hesitant about signing up.
11-10-2004 11:26:06
This is what i write on msg baords (you can use this too)
[quote2834b03da2]You have all probably heard about these free offers before but just in case I'm here to inform you. In order to get your free item you
1. Sign up under someone else's link (optional but helpful)
2. Create name and password, enter information.
3. Go through survey of offers. (Optional, you can click "no" on each if you'd like)
4. Complete a sponsored offer, (Each offer is legit, the easiest is eBay if you don't already have an account with them)
5. Refer a number of friends to do the same. iPod = 5 referrals Handbag = 5 referrals TV = 8 referrals Computer = 10 referrals.
6. Order your item and enter shipping info.
This company is Gratis internet. The way they make their money is bye getting paid by the advertised links on their site. For every 1 person who completes an offer from the offers page, the company (such as eBay or Blockbuster) pays Gratis X dollars. Once all your referrals complete, Gratis will have enough money for your item and for a profit. Most of the people don't even complete, so the company makes a huge profit.
THIS IS REAL! I have completed my ipod already. Im working on a free TV.
Good forums to go to are www.freeipodscommunity.com (sing up under the "conga" lines.) (A lot of proof here)
www.freeipodguide.com (come once you have already singed up.)
My referral link for free TV is http//www.FreeFlatScreens.com/defa...referer=8342174
My friends free iPod is http//www.freeiPods.com/default.aspx?referer=10100511
If you'd like more info visit the forums, or contact me on AIM at KingOfBling99. You can also email= me at email=BlingKing@gmail.comBlingKing@gmail.com me at email=BlingKing@gmail.comBlingKing@gmail.com/email
Thanks! -
If you can make it better add on D